Colossium Magazine Colossium (Special Edition) | Page 29

About Culture Management Group Efya Singer Culture Manage- ment Group is an Ac- cra, Ghana-based Media Manage- ment Company that provides a range of services from consult- ing, media market- ing, branding man- agement, to content curation. The com- pany aims to gal- vanize talent from and within Africa . The goal is to curate a creative space that allows the grow- ing African talent to connect & work with like-minded individuals all over the world for the growth of Africa. Cul- ture Management Group, with platforms such as Afrochella Festival, will advo- cate for increased communications between natives abroad and en- tities within Gha- na to streamline investment and tour- ism opportunities. CLICK here for more info about this year's edition Photo credit: Afrochella 2017 Ebony Dancehall Artiste