Colossium Magazine Colossium (Special Edition) | Page 28

IS COMING BACK F riday, 10 August 2018 — Accra, Ghana — Culture Management Group have announced the sec- ond annual Afrochella festival. Afrochella is set to return to El- Wak Stadium in Accra, Ghana on December 29, 2018, beaming with millennial talent from and within Africa. This one- day fes- tival welcomes multi-genera- tions around the world to celebrate African culture through Art, Fashion, Food and the univer- sal language, Music. Afrochella made its de- but in December 2017 as 5,000 people from all over the world descended into the Accra Polo Club, to end the year in the most spectacular way imagin- able. Last year’s acts in- cluded the late Ebony and some of the country’s emerging talents; King Promise and Kwesi Arthur. Afrochella’s charity partner this year will be Water Aid; a nonprofit whose mission is to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene rea- sonable to everyone. Since 1981, WaterAid has reached 25.8 million people with clean water and 25.1 million people with decent toilets. Afrochel- la will donate a percentage of ticket sales to Wa- teraid in support of making clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene available to everyone. September 2018 will mark the opening of the official Afrochella Pop-up shop. A range of mer- chandise will be available to buy online, in-store (in Accra Ghana) and at the festival, itself come December. Tickets are available for purchase here, starting from $10 (50GHC).