The Journey of Milk ! ( From Farm to Table )
1 . Cows Turn Plants Into Milk
Cows have special stomachs with four compartments that allow them to digest plants that humans can ’ t , like hay and grass . The cows naturally transform those plants into milk .
2 . Caring for Cows & the Environment
Cows are the center of the dairy farm . Dairy farmers work 365 days a year making sure the cows are comfortable , with nutritious food ( about 100 pounds per day ) and clean water ( about a bathtub full per day ), as well as comfortable bedding and regular veterinary care . Dairy farmers also want the land to stay healthy for themselves and their children . Farmers recycle the cows ’ manure as fertilizer for crops and reuse water multiple times , using it to cool the milk , wash the barn , and irrigate crops .
3 . Milking
Cows need to be milked two or three times a day . Milking machines provide a light suction that pulsates to gently allow the milk to release . It ' s a relief for cows to empty their udders , so they often line up on their own to have their udders cleaned and milked !
4 . Cooling & Transportation
Milk comes out of the cows at about 100 degrees Fahrenheit , then goes into large steel tanks and is cooled very quickly – within two hours – down to 38 degrees or less . Quick cooling minimizes growth of any bacteria . The milk also gets tested to ensure it ’ s safe , then goes into insulated tanker trucks to be transported to a processing plant .
5 . Processing & Packaging
At the processing plant , the milk is tested again for safety , then pasteurized ( heat-treated to eliminate any harmful bacteria and quickly re-cooled ). The milk can then make all sorts of dairy products :
• Milk coagulation is the process that turns milk into cheese ( including cottage cheese ).
• To make yogurt , milk undergoes the fermentation process .
• Fat that naturally rises to the top of the milk can be skimmed off by using a separator and packaged as cream or churned into butter . The fat-free milk underneath is known as skim milk .
• To make whole milk or lower fat milks , the processor will use homogenizing equipment to evenly mix the fat throughout the milk , so it doesn ’ t separate again .
• Processors can create lactose-free milk for people with lactose intolerance by adding an ingredient called lactase to break down the lactose ( sugar ).
6 . The Store & Your Fridge
Once the milk is packed in cartons or jugs , it heads to the grocery store in a refrigerated truck . All in all , it only takes about two days for the milk to get from the cow to the store . It ’ s tested multiple times along the way , so it ’ s always fresh and safe when it gets to you . Dietitians recommend you eat or drink three servings of dairy every day for important nutrients like protein and calcium .
4 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom Source ( graphics and text ): https :// www . dairydiscoveryzone . com / farm-table