Power , Structural , and Technical Systems
If getting your hands dirty and working outside is more your style , then a career in the power , structure , and technical systems might be the route for you ! There are many types of jobs that fit under this umbrella , some of which only require a high school diploma and a program certificate , while others require a master ’ s degree . People who work in this field typically like to figure out and understand how things work . They are the ones to work on a tractor or design cattle pens . Here ’ s a couple of ideas for careers in the Power , Structural , and Technical Systems .
Career Spotlight - Welder
One career in the power , structural , and technical systems is welding . Welders assemble , install , and repair equipment or buildings made of steel and other metals . To weld something , you are bringing the temperature of metal up to a very high degree , and then melting it onto another piece of metal . The result is a very strong bond between the two pieces of metal . Welders are often creative people , who enjoy designing and creating things . Did you know there are even welders who are certified to weld underwater ?! Typically , welders need a high school diploma and a welding program certificate to get a job .
Career Spotlight - Mechanical Engineer
A mechanical engineer is someone who builds equipment that uses energy to run . For example , they might design a mechanized chute , called a squeeze chute , that helps a rancher to work on his cows . A squeeze chute provides a safe , comfortable space for a cow to be held . This makes it safe for a person to provide care for the animal like give vaccinations or look at an injury . Ranchers care deeply for their cattle , and they will do anything they can to make working with their cattle easier and safer ! A mechanical engineer who helps design a squeeze chute would try to look at the world through a cow ’ s eyes , and think about questions like , “ What would make this squeeze chute okay for me to walk into ?” Cows are curious animals , but they are also very cautious . Shadows and strange things that look out of place ( like a random hose on the ground ) can cause cows to shy away , which makes it harder on the rancher . So , not only is it important for the chute to be user-friendly for the rancher , but they must also make it user-friendly for the cow too ! Mechanical engineers typically have a bachelor ’ s degree .
A rancher is caring for his animals using this squeeze chute .
Other options : carpenter , electrical engineer , livestock hauler , heavy equipment operator , hydraulics technician , sales representative for agriculture equipment
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