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Vegetables Needed
Every fall the residents enjoy
canning and making salsa for our
holiday craft show that is held in
If you would have any extra
tomatoes, peppers, onions or
other vegetables that we could
use to make salsa, we would be
glad to take it off your hands.
To donate any of these items,
please contact Patrice Melton,
activities director.
Thank you very much ahead of
I—Scream Month
(above) - Lucille concentrates on stemming
gooseberries. It brought back memories.
Did you know that Ronald
Reagan designated July as
National Ice Cream Month in
To honor him, we are will be
enjoying various ice cream treats
through out the month. We will
be serving ice cream sodas, ice
cream sundaes, splits and cones.
We will also go on an outing for
ice cream. Be sure to watch your
calendars for this special treat.
(above) - The Queen and her Court.
Lunch At The Louisburg
Vacation Bible School Week
Who remembers going to Vacation Bible School when you were
younger, or maybe you taught the classes? We are going to have our
Would you like to go have one of
those famous Louisburg Picnic fish own Vacation Bible School beginning Monday, July 13 through
Friday, July 17.
sandwiches? Well, now you can.
This year’s theme is “Big Heart Farms: Where God’s Fruit Grows!”
Just get on board the facility bus
on Friday, July 24 at 11 a.m. The cost This years theme centers around Galatians 5:16-26, which covers
of the lunch will be approximately $6 the Fruit of the Spirit. Many of our ladies and gentlemen have
farmed or had a garden. We will take this idea and expand on how
for a sandwich, drink and ice
having God in our lives, grows fruit or spirituality for us. We will be
cream cone.
making crafts and having snacks, just like the kids do in their sesIf you would like to go, please
sions. Come on out and help us decorate and get ready to spend a
inform Patrice ahead of time.
week with the Lord.