Collin County Living Well Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 34

Effects of Dehydration on the Body and Brain Courtesy The Cooper Institute T adult, who is able to get a drink on their own when they are thirsty, leading to dehydration.  These brain-related effects of dehydration reinforces the fact that hydration is essential, not just for physical function, but intellectual and mental function. he average human body is 60% water. Your body uses water to perform a multitude of functions, including: regulating body temperature, lubricating joints, protecting organs, flushing out waste, carrying nutrients  Tips to Stay Hydrated and oxygen to the cells and dissolving minerals and nutriIt is important to keep yourself hydrated, particularly if ents. If you do not replenish your body’s water supply by you live in a hot climate, like Texas. Dr. DeFina suggests drinking plenty of fluids and you become dehydrated, your these tips to keep hydrated: body will be unable to perform its normal functions includ•  Make an effort to hydrate ing attention and memory. Dehydration affects sodium and before exercise, during exerelectrolyte levels in the body, which has also been linked to cise, and after exercise.