Becoming a CPA in Massachusetts (continued)
12. Once I’m certified, do I have to do anything to maintain my initial
CPA license?
Yes, every two years you will need to submit a license renewal application and
fee to the Division of Public Licensure and provide evidence of completion
of 80 hours (credits) of continuing professional education that includes four
credits in the area of professional ethics. In addition, every CPA is required to
adhere to a code of professional conduct that helps to maintain integrity and
dignity in the profession. Finally, CPAs who sign off on financial statements (or
their firms) are required to undergo a peer review every three years.
13. What if I move to another state? Will my license transfer with me?
Reciprocity, or the recognition of your Massachusetts license in another
state, is ultimately the decision of the licensing board in your new state.
You will need to contact that state’s Board of Public Accountancy.
14. Where do I find more information about becoming a CPA in
You can use the MSCPA’s st udent website as a clearing
house for resources about the CPA exam and certification requirements.
There, you will find links to download the exam application form as well as
information about how to have your transcript pre-evaluated to determine if you
meet the academic requirements, what you need to do if you attended a foreign university, etc. If you have specific questions about licensing requirements
in Massachusetts, you should visit the Board of Public Accountancy’s website or contact the Board at:
• Massachusetts Board of Public Accountancy
1000 Washington Street, Suite 710
Boston, MA 02118
* These FAQs are current as of September 7, 2016. Because the MA Board
of Public Accountancy is expected to make significant changes to the CPA
certification requirements in the coming months, you are advised to visit for an overview of the anticipated changes and an up-to-date
version of these FAQs.
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