college guide 2016-17 Sept. 2016 | Page 29

Becoming a CPA in Massachusetts (continued) * 7. What is the experience requirement for CPA certification/licensure? It depends on your level of education. With 150 credits, you need one year of public accounting experience; if your experience does not include 1000 hours in the report function, you will be issued a non-reporting license. With a graduate degree in accounting, business, or law, no experience is required for certification/non-reporting license. 8. Can I substitute non-public accounting experience to meet the requirement for certification? Yes, the Board of Public Accountancy, in its discretion, may grant you credit for professional accounting experience while working in a position in private industry or government. To learn about the special conditions that must be met, please visit * 9. What is a non-reporting license? A non-reporting license allows you to use the CPA designation and perform all accounting services except signing off on financial statements. * 10. How can I qualify for a full reporting license to allow me to sign off on financial statements? You will qualify for a “full reporting” license after you complete twelve months of employment in a public accounting firm and obtain 1000 hours in the report function on full disclosure financial statements, of which not more than 300 hours may consist of full disclosure compilations. If you anticipate a future need to sign off on financial statements, you may choose to apply for a full reporting license when your initial non reporting license expires. Additionally, the non reporting licensee who wishes to accept a report engagement may qualify for a full reporting license if s/he complies with the provisions of 252 CMR 3.02(5). To do so, you will be required to provide official documentation to the Board of Public Accountancy that you have taken 80 hours of CPE in financial statement reporting within six months prior to accepting the report engagement. Further, you will need to enroll with a qualified Report Acceptance Body prior to the issuance of the initial report and complete a quality review within nine months subsequent to the issuance of the initial report. 11. How do I proceed after I have passed the exam and meet the education and experience requirements for certification/licensure? After you receive your official notification from CPA Exam Services that you have passed the CPA exam, you can apply online or download the application for certification/licensure from the website of the Massachusetts Board of Public Accountancy, M a s s a c h u s e t t s S o c i e t y o f C e r t i f i e d P u b l i c A c c o u n t a n t s • C PA t r a c k . c o m content_collegeguide_0912.indd 27 27 9/12/16 4:56 PM