From the Pro Bono Committee
American College of Bankruptcy Foundation as vital partners.”
(With funds from the 2018 grant, CCLA will offer bilingual educational materials and present workshops on bankruptcy for Spanish and English speakers in low-income areas of Chicago and neighboring suburbs.)
This year’s grant process has already begun, with applications due June 1, 2019. The Committee will again take on the difficult task of choosing from the many worthy programs that seek funds, as requests typically exceed the amount of our grant budget. I thank in advance the members of the Committee for the significant time and effort they will spend reviewing grants and doing the work of the Committee. And I look forward to sharing with you more stories from our grantees, as well as the results of our work this year.
Class 31 Nominations
continue to contribute to the enhancement of bankruptcy scholarship, continuing education, and the bankruptcy process
• a commitment to fostering and furthering the objectives of the College
• sustained, exceptionally high quality professional services to clients, bar, bench, and public
• significant evidence of scholarship, teaching, lecturing, and/or distinguished published writings on bankruptcy practice, procedure, philosophy, improvements and reforms which demonstrates a consistent contribution to the enhancement of bankruptcy literature, education, practice and process.
Nomination applications will be reviewed and thoroughly vetted by the relevant Circuit Admissions Councils and Nominating Committees between June 11th and August 19th. They will then vote to determine their recommended candidates after which additional due diligence will be conducted. The substantial vetting is an important check and balance to ensure that all relevant information on nominees is obtained and available to the Board of Regents. The Board of Regents will then meet on October 30th during the NCBJ to make final decisions on the admissions of new Fellows for the 31st Class of the College.
On behalf of all the Regents, the Chairs of the Nominating Committees and the members of the Circuit Admissions Councils and Nominating Committees, I want to thank you in advance for your participation in this critically important process. It is among the most important functions of the College, and your participation will help guarantee that the College continues to be the preeminent organization that it is.