The ACB International Committee will meet on Saturday, June 15, during the 2019 International Insolvency Institute Conference in Barcelona. At 2:00 p.m. (GMT+2), the committee will discuss integration of international Fellows and future efforts at joint programming with the International Insolvency Institute. At 3:00 p.m. (GMT+2), they will discuss the work of their subcommittee as to proposals by the National Bankruptcy Conference regarding Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code. The meetings will be at the Hotel Majestic in the Alboran and Tierreno Rooms.
Interested in attending? Click here for more information and to register.
USA/Canada Regional Program
On Thursday, March 14th, the International Insolvency Institute (III), in partnership with the College, offered programming at the Hotel del Coronado in sunny California. The afternoon sessions included several College Fellow panelists who discussed Chapter 15 cross-border issues and judicial communication and cooperation. Upon conclusion of the programming, registrants and their guests were invited to a clambake on the beach, featuring live music from two of bankruptcy's best musicians, George Kelakos and Mitch Ryan.
In addition, III Members were invited to the College's afternoon education session and champagne reception on Friday, March 15th.
International Committee Update
Robert B. Millner, Dentons LLP
Chair, International Committee