Do you adore the sound of a Martin D-28 ? If so , you find yourself in the company of a great many iconic artists . This venerable instrument is not only steeped in musical history , but in terms of both form and function it has evolved to a point of near perfection . Revered as a classic expression of Americana , this instrument has also demonstrated amazing versatility . Even so , the folks at Martin will be among the first to admit that it can ’ t do it all .
“ Music is evolving ,” says Fred Greene . “ It ’ s changing . The way people use the instruments today is not the way they used them in 1938 when the Dreadnought was really coming into its own . So , we work hard to design and build guitars that fit what players are doing now . That doesn ’ t mean that we ’ re going to abandon our history or tradition — we believe you really can have both , the best of the old and the new . It needn ’ t be one or the other .”
In those cases , though , where just one instrument must do , one can quickly find themselves in a quandary . With so many available choices , settling
Fred Greene joined Martin as V . P . of Manufacturing in 2004 , after working his way up from janitor to COO at Gibson . He currently serves as Martin ’ s V . P . of
Product Management .