Cold Link Africa September/October 2017 | Page 11


Messages from the industry

By Ilana Koegelenberg
Andrew Stuart of DDL Equipment shared this image of the time he and John went to the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration ( IIAR ) convention in New Orleans , US , in March 1997 . This was a memorable trip for both .
looked in The Cold Link , just like you do today . You cannot say that about any other trade publication . All due to one man !” — Nigel Amschwand , GEA Africa
“ What can one say about John … Yes , he ’ s here , he ’ s there , he ’ s everywhere ( if it concerns refrigeration ), because he ’ s Mister Refrigeration ! And to top it all , he ’ s a decidedly nice chap . Congratulations on the 30 years , John .” — Trevor Dyer , AC & R Components
“ I met John back in the 1990s when he held his first safe handling of refrigerants course . It was held at the then Wingfield College with eight candidates , of which I was one . No one ever believed that it would be where it is now . Many scoffed at that idea . Industry needs unselfish people with vision and although very determined in his opinion , it is usually correct . There are few with the same
“ Congratulations to John and Cold Link Africa on their 30-year milestone . We appreciate and value the role that The Cold Link has played in the industry as a platform for sharing news and events . Wishing you much success into the future .” — Clinton Holcroft , Serco
“ I would just like to thank Cold Link Africa and John for all the wonderful articles he wrote and published for Bitzer in the early years . He really helped us find our feet .” — Rudy van Driel , Bitzer SA
“ Congratulations , John , for your 30-year achievement . Will still look forward to more very informative editions to come . Wishing you all the best for the future .” — Peter Hoetmer , Metraclark
“ John to me is a pillar of our industry . His relentless quest in having us do the right

John Ackermann and The Cold Link newspaper have played a crucial role in uniting the local industry over the past 30 years . John ’ s name is synonymous with all things refrigeration , and role players of all ages and titles have a great respect for him . Unbeknown to John , I collected a couple of messages from people who have worked with John over the years …

But firstly , from myself , I cannot find the words to adequately express the respect I have for the legend that is John Ackermann . I first met John in 2012 at the first Cool Logistics Africa conference in Cape Town . I was two weeks on the job as the new journalist for RACA Journal and Cold Chain , and needless to say , clueless beyond belief when it came to understanding the sheer scope of the refrigeration industry . John was instantly welcoming and friendly , insisting on taking a picture with the then still ‘ opposition ’.
Over the next few years , it would soon become apparent that it was impossible to talk about refrigeration to anyone in the industry without John ’ s name coming up . His followers were loyal and supportive and for years now I ’ ve heard the most amazing ( and sometimes unbelievable ) tales of this ‘ Mister Ackermann ’ character that I would bump into at so many events — locally and abroad .
When the official merger of Cold Chain Africa and The Cold Link in June 2015 gave birth to the new Cold Link Africa , I still had very little idea just how far and wide John ’ s influence really stretched . I soon learnt just how much the industry depended on him — even if his views were not always popular . I will admit , as with many others I ’ m sure , there were times where I thought John and I would kill each other ( said in jest ) out of sheer frustration . But over the years , I have grown incredibly fond of him . His seemingly boundless patience with my often-ignorance is commendable , and I
cannot think of a single person who has taught me as much as John has ( even if it was begrudgingly sometimes ).
The hours , the days that I have spent at
John ’ s office in Montague Gardens will stay with me for life . The passion with which he would pull out photos from decades ago , meeting notes from the 1990s , or Cold Link editions from way before my time … I have been overwhelmed by the sheer size of his archive and knowledge . It seems the entire history of our industry is stored in that office .
It was humbling to have John show me the original edition , the litho plates , the photo library … Our industry will never know how lucky it is to have someone like John as the custodian of its memories . ( And I will never know how he remembers everything !)
From endless drives to Pretoria for the
HCFC stakeholder meetings to the many hours at the Wimpy or some coffee shop near the airport to try and put together the next edition , John always found time to share his knowledge , even if I sometimes had no idea what he was talking about .
Despite all his other commitments , John always found time for the newspaper — even if it meant us spending early morning hours or Sundays at the office ( him in Cape
Town and me in Johannesburg ), piecing together the giant puzzle that is Cold Link
Africa . ( Deadlines — what is that ?)
John , I know you will probably be super annoyed at me for putting this together , but you deserve to be thanked for your years of dedication to this newspaper and the industry . Also , thank you for everything you have done for me personally . It is a pleasure and an honour to work with you . And no , you cannot retire yet !
Ilana Koegelenberg
“ 30 years ago , if you wanted to know anything about the latest in commercial , industrial or transport refrigeration , you
consistent drive and vision in today ’ s world like John .” — Geoff Hobbs , Techniskills
“ John , you are an icon in the industry . It is my privilege to have a friend and brother like you , a man of unquestionable integrity .”
— Mark Watters , Elite Fibre
“ It was a delightful pleasure for me to have made the thermal test chamber a reality for South Africa together with John . Without his dedicated and inspiring way and his open and friendly manner , this successful project wouldn ’ t have been possible . From
Germany , best wishes for the next 30 years of publishing and thank you for your support ,
John !” — Michael Schuster , GIZ
“ Congratulations on this remarkable achievement , John . Your contribution to both our industry and this publication is incredible . On behalf of the industry at large , we are most appreciative !”
— Steven Friedmann , ebm-papst SA
“ John really is one of the ‘ old men ’ of the industry ; a man with a passion for what is right and correct . He has never been one to roll over and accept something he does not agree with . This is one of his most endearing characteristics . When you sit there and he starts to turn that lock of hair of his , well you know something is coming . John over the years has been a good friend ; I will never forget the time when he stood in the gap for me as he has for so many . Here ’ s to a memorable 30 years — may we be blessed with your company .” — Andrew Perks ,
A Perks Enterprises
“ For me , coming into our industry was a very cold experience . The first warm heart and handshake was from John Ackerman , with a guidance of ‘ keep your head down and do what you need to do ’. Thanks , John .”
— Cassie Steenkamp , Power Compressor
thing is and has been an inspiration . His involvement with SAIRAC having driven many adult education initiatives . His push for industry standards , especially around greenhouse gases without the help of government . His contribution to the advancement of our sector and voicing issues beneficial to the future . I thank John for being who he is and congratulate him on 30 years .” — Derick Truscott , AMS /
Elta Group
“ John has been one of the great mentors for me ( and many other younger people in the industry ), having had the opportunity and privilege to work with him on many different levels . He has a razor sharp intellect , but balances this with humour and humanity . One of the greatest lessons I learnt from John is to ask the right questions to get the job done without fear of anyone else ’ s opinion . He has given his life to the refrigeration industry , making it better wherever he could . I would like to thank
John personally for what he has meant to me and for the selfless work he did for our industry .” — Dawie Kriel , Energy Partners
John ’ s first editor ’ s picture !

COLD LINK AFRICA • September | October 2017 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 11