Cold Link Africa September/October 2017 | Page 10

Above : John showing off his archive of The Cold Link copies .
Right : At John ’ s office , a wall proudly boasts the laminated front covers of earlier The Cold Link editions .
the maximum length of vehicles was 36ft
a working committee to tackle the issue .
developing the pictures and they all
to a wide network of readers around the
( just over 11m ) and now it is 18m long .
The Cold Link gave coverage to all
came out with a shade of blue and no
world . Since its merger with Cold Chain
The wider use of screw compressors
these events .
colour . Once that was done , there was
Africa in June 2015 to become the new
and plate heat exchangers have all
The coverage of exhibitions and
nothing you could do about it .
and improved Cold Link Africa , the paper
affected the industry . This made systems
conferences has always been a major
In the beginning , there was no Internet .
has truly been able to provide ‘ one
more efficient . There has also been a
feature in the newspaper , and the Buyer ’ s
We worked with faxes , personal contact ,
consolidated voice for the refrigeration
broader uptake of the use of ammonia
Guide features , where we compared
one-on-one communication , a lot of
industry ’.
over the years , previously being used only
transport refrigeration units , cold stores
travelling around , and selling yourself .
It has since gone digital as well ,
in sizeable plants but these days it can be
and the like , proved very popular .
People would arrive from overseas and
boasting not only its own popular website
found in smaller plants too .
From a practical point of view , the
then phone me to set up interviews . There
( www . coldlinkafrica . co . za ) where digital
There have been two major changes
second major change was the conversion
was no Google .
editions can be downloaded and news
impacting on The Cold Link . The first of which being the phase out of refrigerants . The Cold Link kept very close to every
directly from digital to print . Teething problems made life very difficult initially , while the industry adapted to the
Ever since its inception , The Cold Link
is uploaded daily , but also a variety of social media platforms for readers of all ages .
development of first the phase out of
digital era .
and now Cold Link Africa , has been loyal
Here ’ s to another 30 years of Cold Link
CFCs and now the phase out of HCFCs ,
However , digital photography has
to the refrigeration industry , ensuring
Africa !
as well as the greater focus towards global warming . We also provided coverage on every conference and
made reproduction so much easier . I have had the terrible misfortune of going to an exhibition and taking pictures , only
that all role players are kept informed of the latest developments — locally and internationally .
A heartfelt thank you to all our loyal
meeting that we attended . This started
to discover later on that there had not
The newspaper has gone from strength
readers and advertisers who have
off at the Cape Town Civic Centre with
been a film in the camera and all was
to strength , now in its 52-page form , and is
supported us over the years . We could
a later conference in Swaziland , forming
lost . Or , something had gone awry when
printed every two months and distributed
not have done it without you .
John ’ s photo archive of all the hard copy pictures he has collected over the years .
John showing the litho positives he used to get for the earlier editions .
The 1992 front cover featuring the first Cooling Expo .

10 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • September | October 2017