Cold Link Africa October 2023 | Page 23

South Africa ’ s Quality Council for Trades and Occupations ( QCTO ) is a major driving force behind addressing South Africa ’ s skills shortages across industries .

QCTO framework - achieving synergy , simplification and effectiveness

By Roland Innes , Group Chief Executive Officer at DYNA Training
South Africa ’ s Quality Council for Trades and Occupations ( QCTO ) is a major driving force behind addressing South Africa ’ s skills shortages across industries .

Uniquely positioned in the Post School Education and Training ( PSET ) sector , the QCTO has been charged , essentially , with shaking things up and disrupting the status quo to address the inequalities of the past . As South Africa moves forward , all sectors , employers and employees must be prepared to embrace the game-changing transformations already underway . The game is changing , and so too are the rules and the outcomes . For the QCTO , the goal is to ensure that occupational qualifications and programmes are accessible and credible to all , to meet the economic demands for the skills that will take South Africa into the future .

Looking at South Africa ’ s unemployment crisis , the need for change is undeniable . The current system is simply not producing the skills and technical competencies required with sufficient speed or scalability . Speaking at the QCTO Game Changer Business Breakfast , QCTO CEO Vijayen Naidoo noted that it is necessary to get people into employment as soon as possible . Given that the current qualification system is lacking , Naidoo pointed out the necessity of creating pathways to employability . This requires a change in thinking and the building of skills-development ecosystems , leaving behind the old system that saw each industry operating as an island . For this , we need to understand how all industries , sectors and skills fit together and facilitate their alignment into responsive , agile , interconnected systems .
The gazetting of the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework ( OQSF ) in October 2021 laid the groundwork for this change , solidifying the QCTO ’ s vision to qualify a skilled and capable workforce . The purpose of the OQSF is to facilitate the development and registration of quality-assured occupational and traderelated qualifications , part-qualifications and skills programmes from the National Qualifications Framework ( NQF ) Levels 1 to 8 , the purpose of which is to meet the needs of existing and emerging sectors . This ensures that all school leavers , learners , professionals , workers , unemployed individuals and those classified as NEET ( Not in Employment , Education or Training ), can be equipped with relevant , sustainable and transferable competencies to establish lifelong employability .
The QCTO ’ s role , Naidoo explained , is to establish and maintain occupational standards and qualifications and skills programmes , by industry for industry , with an emphasis on quality assurance of these standards and qualifications for the workplace . Here , it will be necessary for Skills Development Providers ( SDPs ) to align with other bodies in the PSET sector , including Sector Education and Training Authority ( SETA ) across industries . While the QCTO was originally intended to replace the SETAs , this is unlikely to happen . The SETAs have an important role to play and by their proximity to industries , are here to stay . However , there will need to be more alignment between the different SETAs . Where there are currently different accreditation policies per SETA , this makes cross-industry interaction extremely difficult . Work has already begun on a single unifying accreditation policy , which the QCTO will be charged with auditing .
The National Skills Development Plan ( NSDP ) set a target of producing 30 000 artisans per year by 2030 , having identified artisans as a critical skill for economic growth and social development . Naidoo pointed out that although we are already producing around 20 000 to 21 000 artisans annually , merely ticking quantity boxes is insufficient , as the quality of those qualifications is still questionable . He explained the transition from the so-called old trades to the new and emphasised the importance of Technical Vocational Education and Training ( TVET ) colleges and private training facilities in addressing the quality component of occupational qualifications and skills development .
Naidoo noted the importance of integrated system planning that prioritises a single national quality short OQSF that promotes synergy , simplification and effectiveness . This is necessary to guide the development and quality assurance of occupational qualifications for skills programmes that respond to South Africa ’ s developmental imperatives , by establishing learning organisations that are themselves responsive to changing industry demands . The gazetting of the new OQSF allows vocationally trained graduates greater freedom in terms of their choice for further study , or direct access to the workplace , where they could opt not
to study further . This system is designed to turn the truism “ qualifications are not jobs ” into “ qualifications lead to jobs ,” with occupational qualifications that are directly relevant to the workplace with the clear goal of helping people secure employment .
The revised OQSF now also recognises skills programmes , which are similar to short courses or micro-credentials . In the past , skills programmes were somewhat haphazardly introduced and implemented by specific SETAs to address immediate skills needs . But with the new revision , there is a more systematic approach to incorporating these programmes , making it easier for people to gain valuable skills and improve their employability . By formally incorporating skills programmes into the OQSF , it allows for this type of micro-qualification to be systematically designed , rapidly developed and provided to learners and the labour market . This will sanction these programmes to carry recognition that allows a holder of a Skills Programme to progress toward a full qualification should they choose . The ability of the QCTO to provide recognised , quality-assured micro-credentials to the nation is just another game changer provided by the revised OQSF .
Responsibility for SDP accreditation lies now with the QCTO , in terms of which SDPs must apply to be accredited for the various qualifications they offer . The QCTO will complete the first phase , known as desktop evaluation , after which it will go to the SETA for verification , due to the proximity of each SETA to the industry . The QCTO ' s accreditation process is designed to ensure that SDPs meet the required standards for quality training and ensure that the SDP ' s curriculum , learning materials and assessment methods are aligned with the relevant occupational qualification . If the application is approved , the QCTO will issue the SDP with a certificate of accreditation , which must be renewed every five years .
With regards to historically registered qualifications that expired at the end of June 2023 , there is a teach-out period until 2024 , after which new enrollees must be in the new occupational qualifications or skills programmes . Where SDPs were offering a skills programme and they now cannot
DYNA Training
Roland Innes , Group Chief Executive Officer at DYNA Training .
find its equivalent in the new framework , Naidoo advises SDPs to approach their SETAs and invites SDPs to join in on the development process to ensure that no skill gets left behind .
While more than 700 qualifications have already been developed with a 30 % uptake , this is not enough , and SDPs are urged to take a more active role in the game . Although it will be necessary for us as SDPs to re-engineer our learning models , curriculums and mindsets , embracing this is our opportunity to change the game . It is essential if we are to play a valuable role in assisting employers and individuals with access to quality education and training that meets the need for skills development in existing and emerging industries . CLA
The National Skills Development Plan ( NSDP ) set a target of producing 30 000 artisans per year by 2030 , having identified artisans as a critical skill for economic growth and social development .

COLD LINK AFRICA • October 2023 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 23