Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 32

FEATURE INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN • • applied to structural steel should have an aggressive adhesive for best performance,” Blair says. Beams or labels not acclimated to environment: Be sure to give new racking time to get acclimated to the operating environment before labelling, especially in winter months. “In one instance, the racking was delivered in frigid conditions and installed as it was brought off the trucks,” Blair says. “Workers immediately began placing labels The shift to e-commerce grocery shopping will require bigger storage facilities. • Rough beam surfaces: If the beam surface isn’t smooth, labels may not stick. “I have seen instances where weld splatter on the beams was an issue,” Blair says. “And other times where poorly painted refurbished beams were left with rough surfaces that over time allowed air to get behind the label.” Structural steel beams: Structural pallet racks are made from heavier steel and can have a slightly less smooth finished surface than roll-form steel. “Labels • It is important to deduce how labels with perform once they are in below zero storage facilities for prolonged processes. 32 as sections were completed, but the steel was so cold it didn’t allow for proper adhesion.” Likewise, for maximum bond strength, make sure your labels have fully acclimated to room temperature before installing. And don’t store them near dock doors that frequently open and close! Labels are the wrong size: Make sure the labels are the right height and width for your beams. “If your beam is four inches high, don’t order four-inch high labels,” Blair says. “You’ll need to accommodate for any welds, wire deck overhang, and the like.” • Poorly applied labels: Although rudimentary, it’s worth noting that proper pressure must be exerted to allow for the best surface adhesion. “Warehouse racking comes in a variety of shapes and sizes,” Blair says. “The best application method is to use your full hand, including adequate palm pressure, to apply a label smoothly and eliminate any air bubbles.” CLA Reference: 1. storage-labeling-challenges/ 2. warehouse-labels-falling/ COLD LINK AFRICA • November/December 2019