Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 31

FEATURE INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN rack labels that curl, peel or fall following a do-it-yourself installation project. AVOID THESE ISSUES ON YOUR NEXT LABEL INSTALLATION PROJECT: • WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOUR ENVIRONMENT? Choosing the right labels for your cold storage warehouse environment can seem like a daunting task. ID Label has extensive experience working with many of the leading cold storage warehouse operators. We’ll walk you through your options and custom manufacture the best solution. REASONS WAREHOUSE RACK LABELS CAN LOSE ADHESION Properly and safely installing rack labels on warehouse beams is a task best left to professionals. “It typically requires specialised equipment, detailed planning and careful preparation to avoid any issues or errors,” says Brian Blair, ID Label’s manager of installation services. Nonetheless, there may be times – such as relabelling a section of racking – when managers opt to perform the installation in-house with your own warehouse personnel. To help you avoid any installation issues, we put together this short primer on the key factors that can lead to COLD LINK AFRICA • • • November/December 2019 Dusty, dirty or grimy beams: “Dirt and dust can quickly accumulate during rack storage and installation, which can significantly diminish a label’s adhesive values,” Blair says. If the back of a peeling label is dotted with dirt, it likely means the beam wasn’t wiped clean prior to applying the labels. “It’s best to wipe down the surface with a clean, damp rag and some isopropyl alcohol. This cleans the surface and removes any moisture to ensure optimal adhesion.” Beams were treated with improper chemicals or solutions: Cleaning solutions must be free of oils or citric acids. “Harsh chemicals and detergents do not interact well with some label adhesives,” Blair said. He cited an instance in which workers treated beams with an oily polish prior to labelling and assumed the label’s adhesive had failed. Paint outgassing: Newly painted beams can emit fumes (outgassing) for several weeks, which can diminish the adhesive values of some label constructions. Magnetic rack labels are durable, scan reliably and are easy to install and move – especially in live facilities where the temperature has been reduced. While magnet warehouse labels are typically more costly than adhesive rack labels, they offer a higher return on investment. The shift to e-commerce grocery shopping will require bigger storage facilities. • • Moisture: Humid conditions create condensation on warehouse beams. Labels applied in this environment can easily curl, crinkle, peel or fall off the beams. As noted above, wiping beams with isopropyl alcohol helps to wick away moisture and prepare the surface for labelling. Application over layers of old labels: “Scraping off old labels is time- consuming,” Blair says. “But simply applying new labels over multiple old • ones is a recipe for inaccurate scans and labels that curl and peel.” ID Label’s Beam Renew™ is an excellent solution for easy beam relabelling. Wrong label construction for operating environment: “If you’ve got a freezer environment, for instance, it’s critical to use an adhesive specified for those temperatures,” Blair says. “Even if you’re using the right freezer label, it might require installation in an ambient setting before the temperature draw down.” 31