Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 16

PROJECT INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN 1 2 There is a monorail that moves throughout the packhouse to allow them to pack different weights and sizes. This can be set and adjusted as required. Each packer earns a daily wage as well as a bonus for production. Each box gets weighed afterwards before being palletised. This prevents some people packing slower than others for the same pay. All the scales are linked to a computer and monitored. There are TVs throughout the packing store with an almost leader board situation to show who has packed the most. This helps motivate the staff to keep up and reach their targets. Everything is carefully monitored. Even if there is something wrong with a box when it arrives overseas, they can trace back who packed that box. This was a new system they implemented a few years back and has been a game changer for quality control. Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) inspectors come through the store about three times a day to inspect product as well. They must put their sticker on every batch and make 3 the cutting out and packing is all done by sure that the quality is up to scratch. women. The palletising is done by men. About 60% of the product goes out There are 102 stations which can pack a in punnets. This is easier to manage and total of 112 pallets a day, or 20 000 boxes offers more protection for the product. of 4.5kg. There is demand for 600 000 Once packed, the pallets are pulled to boxes per season. force coolers to cool the grapes down Each woman pulls a crate and cuts out the bad or marked grapes to 0 o C in 12 hours. before putting the rest in a box. Quality COOLING REQUIREMENTS control is quite stringent and for every In the packing store itself, the humidity five packing tables, there is someone must be controlled or else the boxes inspecting quality and checking that would get damp and lose their integrity the cutting out was done correctly. if the humidity is too high. As such, the 4 1 & 2 : The grapes that are cut out are put into crates and transported for other uses. 3 & 4: About 350 women will process and pack the grapes when operating at full capacity. Although there are men working in the pre-cooler side, the cutting out and packing is done by women. 16 Evaporate coolers were supplied by Evapco. COLD LINK AFRICA • November/December 2019