Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 15

PROJECT INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN 1 2 1, 2 & 3: The packhouse located in the scenic De Doorns area. 3 Here, depending on what time of the damage. Here, the grapes are cooled day the grapes were picked, their to about 20°C which can be done in temperature must be maintained or 20 minutes, depending on the internal brought down before being packed. pulp temperature. The pre-cooler runs It’s important that the temperature of at about 20°C with up to 90% humidity. the grapes do not increase once they The incoming water temperature is kept reach the packhouse. at 12°C. The pre-cooler is kitted out with If the grapes are colder than 18°C, they must be kept in the vineyard four evaporators of 38kW each. until the pulp temperature increases. PACKING PROCESS Otherwise, if the temperature is below After the desired temperature is the dew point when it comes in, this achieved in the pre-cooler, the grapes will lead to condensation. That’s are lifted onto a conveyor belt and also why it’s important that the pre- moved into the packhouse. cooler doesn’t get too cold – to avoid Here, as many as 350 women will condensation. Also, if it has rained, the process and pack the grapes when grapes can only be picked three days working at full capacity. Although there later to avoid potential rotting. are men working in the pre-cooler side, From the airlock, the pallets are pulled into the pre-cooler with trolley jacks. No forklifts are allowed in the packing facility to avoid any possible Two Midea chillers are located outside of the packhouse. The 130kW and 200kW chillers provide a total cooling capacity of 330kW. Both chillers run on R410a refrigerant. COLD LINK AFRICA • November/December 2019 15