Cold Link Africa May/Jun 2017 | Page 3

ISSN 2412-7779 REGULARS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Contents 6 40 34 REGULARS EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS PROJECT 3 16 WorldSkills SA 2017 competition raises awareness 1 19 Bock CO 2 seminar educates industry markets 23 Benguela Current ecosystem health under the 33 Boekenhout Abattoir builds extension 40 Spar DC expands, takes on board new tech Letter from the editor 50 Products NEWS microscope 4 Life size CO 2 training plant under construction 4 New ammonia graduates for OTTC 6 Multistage Cooling celebrates 20 years ASSOCIATIONS 11 Energy Partners expands refrigeration stronghold 26 SAIRAC Johannesburg golf day a hit 13 ProCold awards energy efficient refrigeration 29 The Great Fruit Adventure comes to SA 31 SATI expects healthy table grape crop 25 First TOC Africa coming to Durban in December ‘Thank you berry much, South Africa,’ say global FEATURE 45 Renewed call to ban disposable refrigerant cylinders in SA Up and down, hot and cold T he present extremes in climatic issue. South Africa is certainly a country increase in the use of natural refrigerants, conditions is impacting on with extreme diversity. The national South Africa’s food security and WorldSkills SA competition held in Durban CO 2 , ammonia and low global warming potential (GWP) hydrocarbons. The in February 2017 drew attention to the Department of Environmental Affairs is importance of the training of hands on preparing legislation to place stricter regions, farmers are predicting bumper skills in the economic development of controls on the imports of HCFC harvests after heavy rains and the Vaal the country and showcased the many refrigerants and all ozone depleting Dam, that feeds Johannesburg, has career opportunities for young people substance and to further encourage overflowed. The situation in the south after leaving school. The preparation of operators to reduce the carbon footprint however is totally different. The Western training for the national competition and of HVAC&R systems. Cape is in the throes of a severe draught WorldSkills to be held in October 2017 in with the highest daily temperatures Abu Dhabi adds to the quality of much the South African Qualification and recorded in 10 decades. The fruit industry needed hands on skills in South Africa Certification Committee for Gas of the Western Cape is under threat and deserves the support of industry at (SAQCC Gas) registration of persons that with many jobs on the line if the drought the highest level. perform hands on tasks on pressurised employment. In the north and the maize growing continues for much longer. South Africa’s young competitor, EDITOR’S COLUMN Industry role players have reviewed systems. Registration is aimed at safety Francois Smith of Sequence Logistics, will and there should be no comprise on highest employers of labour and any travel to the International Association the requirements. Accidents have large-scale retrenchments will have a of Refrigerated Warehouses (IARW) no boundaries and no time frame. John Ackermann devastating effect on the economy Conference in Los Angeles to compete Registration is a legal requirement to Editor | [email protected] and add to the hundreds that have with contestants from Australia and the prevent any work being done on the lost their jobs because of the imports US. Participation at the IARW conference pressurised circuit of HVAC&R plant by of cheap poultry from the EU. National has been sponsored by the South African unauthorised people in the interest of safe The high level of non-compliance with distributors have reduced their fleet Refrigeration Distribution Association guarding the safety of all people, including SANS 10147, or even awareness that such of refrigerated vehicles that deliver (SARDA) to strengthen South Africa’s role those that do such tasks. Even split air a standard exists, among service providers poultry to retail outlets. However, in the global cold chain industry. conditioners and ceiling mounted consoles and contractors, remains a challenge require that those that service and repair deserving attention. The agricultural sector is one of the table grape producers, because of The swing towards refrigerants that favourable weather and absence of reduce the environmental impact of or install are registered and have the hail storms, are upbeat about a year on an HVAC&R plant, remains high on the required hands on skills. The required skills and many ‘long’ weekends on the horizon, year positive growth as reported in this agenda in most sectors with a resultant are clearly defined in SANS 10147. may your business survive well. COLD LINK AFRICA • May | June 2017 With the high season of public holidays CLA 3