Cold Link Africa May 2022 | страница 20

With the 2022 SA citrus export season kicking off in April , a number of citrus growing regions across the country have provided their predicted export volumes .

Latest CGA updates By the Citrus Growers Association

With the 2022 SA citrus export season kicking off in April , a number of citrus growing regions across the country have provided their predicted export volumes .

These estimates reveal that the industry will continue to see steady growth across most citrus varietals , with an estimated 4 % growth in exports across these categories . This is good news for the South African economy in light of the local industry sustaining 120 000 jobs and bringing in R30 billion in export revenue last year alone .

However , several challenges facing the sector , which include : soaring input costs including fuel and fertiliser price hikes and a major increase in freight rates ; red tape hampering access to some overseas markets , as well as ongoing operational challenges at the country ’ s ports , continue to threaten the profitability and future sustainability of growers .
Regions have provided estimates for the following varietals for the upcoming season ( the mandarin estimates will be available at a later date .
• Lemons : The current prediction is that 32.3 million ( 15kg ) cartons will be exported to key markets , which is an increase of 1.3 million cartons when compared to 2021 . Young trees beginning to bear fruit in some regions including the Western Cape and Senwes in Limpopo will contribute to this growth . However , a cooler summer could result in smaller fruit in some regions , which could impact the final number of cartons packed and shipped .
• Navels : Current predictions show a 1.5 million increase in ( 15kg ) cartons of navels that will be shipped during the coming season , with 28.7 million cartons expected to be exported in total . While hailstorms in some areas such as the Eastern Cape Midlands resulted in a decrease in predicted estimates , good rains in other areas such as the Sundays River Valley means this region should enjoy a 9 % growth in navel export volumes .
• Valencias : An estimated 58.2 million ( 15kg ) cartons of valencias are predicted to be exported in 2022 , which will be a 3.2 million increase from the 55 million cartons shipped last season . However , the final number shipped could decrease depending on market conditions towards the end of the season , in particular narrowing market windows which could make it difficult to ship remaining volumes .
• Grapefruit : An estimated 14.8 million ( 17kg ) cartons of grapefruit are predicted to be exported during the upcoming season . However , a number of outside forces could negatively impact this total , including the Russian conflict in Ukraine due to Russia being a major importer of South African grapefruit . Furthermore , should fuel and shipping costs continue to escalate , PP fruit that is sent for processing and Class 2 grapefruit will
not be exported , which will also reduce the final export total .
It is clear that in order for the industry to continue on the upward trajectory it has enjoyed over the past few years , government and stakeholders across the value chain need to work together to improve the operational capacity and efficiency at the country ’ s ports and to secure , maintain , and retain as many market access opportunities as possible .
Key markets that offer major potential for expanded access and require particular attention during the coming season are the United States and India . This is the only way the growers will be able to offset increasing input costs that are squeezing their profit margins and for the industry to remain competitive , particularly considering local production expected to grow by another 300 000 tons over the next two years .
The CGA remains committed to working with all role players to ensure the continued inclusive growth of the sector and , in turn , the creation of more jobs and revenue for the country .
LEADERSHIP CHANGE AT CITRUS GROWERS ’ ASSOCIATION SA The CGA is proud to welcome Hannes de Waal as the newly elected chairman of its board for a two-year term . The CGA board comprises 20 directors . These individuals represent 15 different grower regions , with
Edgar Castrejon | Unsplash
Local production is expected to grow by another 300 000 tons over the next two years .
two directors representing emerging farmers in the northern and southern regions , a director of government relations and a director who heads up the finance and risk review committee . Hannes de Waal , who is currently the chief executive officer of the Sunday River Valley Citrus Company ( SRCC ), has been a member of the board since 2017 , serving as vice chairperson for the past two years . CLA
Local production expected to grow by another 300 000 tons over the next two years .

20 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • May 2022