Cold Link Africa May 2022 | Page 19

Networking at the Fire Risk Insurance Seminar in South Africa .
The different materials used all have their own specific characteristics and should not be generalised as foam insulation .
Grove pointed out that stringent insurance industry requirements have led to the development of specific insurer-driven large-scale fire tests , to assess the reaction to fire performance of insulated panels with different cores .
“ FM Approvals is one of the most renowned insurance and risk management enterprises providing testing and certification services for property loss prevention products and services used in commercial and industrial facilities . FM Approved panels are subjected to a significantly more rigorous test regime and their mark is recognised and respected worldwide ,” said Grove .
High-performance closed-cell insulation offers the best thermal efficiency and superior fire protection , has enhanced environmental credentials and there is zero water absorption .
PANEL DISCUSSION The Fire Risk Insurance Seminar concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Alasdair Martin of Vector Logistics . The questions for the panellists were gathered from the industry prior to the seminar , by GCCA . The audience was then offered the opportunity to ask questions , which they enthusiastically made use of . Panellists included specialists from Bryte Insurance , Marsh , Old Mutual , Paragon Systems Design , IFESA and Lockton in the United States .
Below are a few highlights from the panel discussion .
Q : What is a lead-insurer and why are there so few of them in South Africa ? A : There are only 3 or 4 lead insurers in South Africa . Lead insurers must be internationally recognised which takes dedication as well as a huge amount of skill and resources .
Q : Is the ‘ shopping list ’ from underwriters the same for South Africa vs the rest of the world ? A : Different underwriters have different options . However , they are similar worldwide because of international treaties and business .
Q : Do you foresee that local insurers might stop writing cold storage facilities completely like they have in Australia ? A : As long as South Africa still needs underwriters , there will always be a local market . The local market for insurers is good sized , and at a point where there is flexibility and movement in the country . The South African market is a bit more resilient ; it is a worry because the problem of a small market has not been solved , but it is possible to get through it .
Q : How can we prevent insurer requirements from changing a year or two after installing a specific measure that was accepted by the insurer ? A : Consistency is a challenge between underwriters because each underwriter has different opinions on fire safety . It is almost impossible to prevent this because it is a free market and underwriters are allowed to choose whatever they want . The best idea is to pick one underwriter and put their suggestions as policy in your program and follow it .
very careful not to cherry pick a standard . Just because one code is good for one facility , it may not be good for every system ; it is important to know what works for you . FM Global is a higher standard and harder to reach ; NFPA is the base standard most people try to reach .
Q : There is a perception that SANS 10287 is insufficient and therefore the guidelines of ASIB are used . When the revised SANS 10287 is published , will it be accepted as a guideline like ASIB rule book no . 12 ? A : South Africa does not have its own sprinkler standards . SANS 10287 will include this , which will help its credibility as a guideline for insurance . Local standards are the best because they truly keep insurers accountable . ASIB enforces proper maintenance , which is why it is accepted as a guideline . The main point is to maintain good conditions , which ASIB does ; for that reason , it may be a better standard . Do a review of the system whenever anything is changed .
Q : What is your view on early detection systems vs sprinkler systems ? A : You cannot only rely on combative systems ; you must have some sort of detection system as well . A lot of fires that start in cold storage facilities are electrical fires , which are not easily detected by sprinkler systems . Both detection and suppression systems should work in tandem together ; they need to be equally good .
Q : What is the main cause of fires in cold storage buildings internationally ? A : Electrical fires and carelessness are the main causes . Check every day for risks of fires starting . An electrician on site can help to prevent fires . Electrical contractors should check every time electrical changes are made .
Q : If you are building a new facility , can you use the code for an older facility in the new one or is it required to get someone to bring the new facility up to code ? A : Your old facility is legal because of the code at the time it was built , but it is likely that code has changed . Your new facility must reflect that change in code , otherwise it will be illegal .
Q : Would regulators sign off on a system with two different suppressant methods in different areas ? A : That is fine ! The whole sprinkler system must be signed off so as long as it is properly designed , they will sign it off . Always have a fire engineer to sign off first before you meet with regulators !
Q : In South Africa , insurance requirements are over and above building regulations . Do you have the same problem in the States and if so , how do you overcome it ? A : Most of the over and above standards are consumer driven ; it is generally not a problem regarding insurance . CLA‐
Lead insurers must be internationally recognised which takes dedication as well as a huge amount of skill and resources .
Q : How are South African insurers impacted by what happens overseas ? A : Insurers rely on treaty support and international capacity to give insurance , and that capacity is driven globally .
Q : Is there a specific internationally designed system that reinsurers ( local and international ) prefer ? FM Global , NFPA , LPC , BS etc . A : Your standards should be based on systems that are scientifically backed . Be
Lockton ( USA ) joined the panel discussion virtually .

COLD LINK AFRICA • May 2022 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 19