Cold Link Africa March/April 2019 | Page 24

PROJECT INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN 3 1 2 favourable choice in terms of future- proof refrigerants, explained Merrick Smith, managing director of Pro Active Refrigeration. “When looking at the natural refrigerants, CO 2 is able to be used in public spaces like retail trading 1. During the official opening, from left: Dr Wolsey Barnard (CEO, Sphere); Ray Feng-Ju Shih (CEO, Sphere); Raymond Ackerman (founder, Pick n Pay); and Sharkey Simons (regional coordinator at Pick n Pay). 2. Centre Point, a new landmark on the site that was home to the Cambridge Hotel. 3. The store’s backup cold stores, chill rooms, and freezers have CO 2 blower coils. 24 floors, where other natural refrigerants such as ammonia and propane are more limited. We do expect there to be favourable energy savings from the system and we will continue to monitor its progress.” PnP is very happy with the installation. They have since opened a second store and are currently busy with other trans- critical sites, too. “It seems they have well accepted trans-critical as a way forward,” said Smith. This is the first project of its kind in a PnP supermarket and was a joint effort between three contractors: Pro Active Refrigeration, Matador Refrigeration, and Sphere. COLD LINK AFRICA • March/April 2019