Cold Link Africa June 2022 | Page 34

By Wandile Sihlobo , senior fellow , Department of Agricultural Economics , Stellenbosch University Wheat and other grains are back at the heart of geopolitics following Russia ’ s invasion of Ukraine .

How Russia-Ukraine conflict could influence Africa ’ s food supplies

By Wandile Sihlobo , senior fellow , Department of Agricultural Economics , Stellenbosch University Wheat and other grains are back at the heart of geopolitics following Russia ’ s invasion of Ukraine .

No man qualifies as a statesman who is entirely ignorant of the problems of wheat .” These are the words of the ancient Greek philosopher , Socrates .
Both countries play a major role in the global agricultural market . African leaders must pay attention .
There is significant agricultural trade between countries on the continent and Russia and Ukraine . African countries imported agricultural products worth USD4 billion from Russia in 2020 . About 90 % of this was wheat , and 6 % was sunflower oil . Major importing countries were Egypt , which accounted for nearly half of the imports , followed by Sudan , Nigeria , Tanzania , Algeria , Kenya and South Africa .
Similarly , Ukraine exported USD2.9 billion worth of agricultural products to the African continent in 2020 . About 48 % of this was wheat , 31 % maize , and the rest included sunflower oil , barley , and soybeans .
Russia and Ukraine are substantial players in the global commodities market . Russia produces about 10 % of global wheat while Ukraine accounts for 4 %. Combined , this is nearly the size of the European Union ’ s total wheat production . The wheat is for domestic consumption and well as export markets . Together the two countries account for a quarter of global wheat exports . In 2020 Russia accounted for 18 %, and Ukraine 8 %.
Both countries are also notable players in maize , responsible for a combined maize production of 4 %. However , Ukraine and Russia ’ s contribution is even more significant in exports , accounting for 14 % of global maize exports in 2020 . Both countries are also among the leading producers and exporters of sunflower oil . In 2020 , Ukraine ’ s sunflower oil exports accounted for 40 % of global exports , with Russia accounting for 18 % of global sunflower oil exports .
Russia ’ s military action has caused panic among some analysts . The fear is that intensifying conflict could disrupt trade with significant consequences for global food stability .
I share these concerns , particularly the consequences of big rises in the price of global grains and oilseed . They have been among the key drivers of global food price rises since 2020 . This has been primarily because of dry weather conditions in South America and Indonesia that resulted in poor harvests combined with rising demand in China and India .
Disruption in trade , because of the invasion , in the significant producing region of the Black Sea would add to elevated global agricultural commodity prices – with potential knock-on effects for global food prices . A rise in commodities prices was
This is a concern for the African continent , which is a net importer of wheat and sunflower oil . On top of this there are worries about drought in some regions of the continent . Disruption to shipments of commodities would add to the general worries of food price inflation in a region that ’ s an importer of wheat .
The scale of the potential upswing in the global grains and oilseed prices will depend on the magnitude of disruption and the length of time that trade will be affected .
For now , this can be viewed as an upside risk to global agricultural commodity prices , which are already elevated . In January
2022 , the FAO Food Price Index averaged
136 points up by 1 % from December 2021 – it ’ s highest since April 2011 .
Vegetable oils and dairy products mainly underpinned the increases .
In the days ahead of Russia ’ s move , there was a spike in the international prices of a number of commodities .
These included maize ( 21 %), wheat ( 35 %), soybeans ( 20 %), and sunflower oil ( 11 %) compared to the corresponding period a year ago . This is noteworthy as 2021 prices were already elevated .
From an African agriculture perspective , the impact of the war will be felt in the near term through the global agriculture commodity prices channel .
A rise in prices will be beneficial for farmers .
For grain and oilseed farmers , the surge in prices presents an opportunity for financial gains . This will be particularly welcome given higher fertiliser costs which have strained farmers ’ finances .
The Russia-Ukraine conflict also comes at a time when the drought in South America and rising demand for grains and oilseeds in
India and China has put pressure on prices .
But rising commodity prices means bad news for consumers who have already experienced food price rises over the past two years .
The Russia-Ukraine conflict means that pressure on prices will persist . The two countries are major contributors to global grain supplies . The impact on prices from developments affecting their output cannot be understated .
Some countries on the continent , such as South Africa , benefit from exporting fruit to Russia . In 2020 Russia accounted for 7 % of South Africa ’ s citrus exports in value terms . And it accounted for 12 % of
South Africa ’ s apples and pears exports in the same year – the country ’ s second largest market .
But from Africa ’ s perspective , Russia and Ukraine ’ s agricultural imports from the continent are marginal – averaging only USD1,6 billion in the past three years .
The dominant products are fruits , tobacco , coffee , and beverages in both countries .
already evident just days into the conflict .
Africa is a major importer of products from both Russia and Ukraine , including wheat , maize and sunflower oil .
Manfred Richter | Pixabay
RIPPLE EFFECTS Every agricultural role-player is keeping an eye on the developments in the Black Sea region . The impact will be felt in other regions , such as the Middle East and Asia , which also import a substantial volume of grains and oilseeds from Ukraine and Russia . They too will be directly affected by the disruption in trade .
There is still a lot that ’ s not known about the geopolitical challenges that lie ahead . But for African countries there are reasons to be worried given their dependency on grains imports . In the near term , countries are likely to see the impact through a surge in prices , rather than an actual shortage of the commodities . Other wheat exporting countries such as Canada , Australia and the US stand to benefit from any potential near term surge in demand .
Ultimately , the goal should be to deescalate the conflict . Russia and Ukraine are deeply embedded in the world ’ s agricultural and food markets . This is not only through supplies but also through agricultural inputs such as oil and fertiliser . CLA
Republished from The Conversation Africa under creative commons licence .

34 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • June 2022