Cold Link Africa June 2019 | Page 13

PROJECT INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Continued from page 1 High-tech new banana ripening rooms for Springs Market T his project was initiated in 2017 but then later put on hold due to unforeseen circumstances. It was then reinitiated in 2018 to be finished before the end of the year. Patience and perseverance from the full professional team and affected contractors resulted in a successful finished project. NEW AND IMPROVED As mentioned, the client had a need to upgrade its banana ripening rooms. The new rooms would improve the quality of 2 1 the end product significantly by employing a much more sophisticated system. Additionally, these rooms were designed so that they could be used for de-greening and straight cold storage if required, the PLCs offering infinite flexibility with regards to the “recipe” of gas and temperature to ripen the fruit/vegetables. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The chilling of the cold rooms is provided via one central cooling plant which comprises two Aermec water chillers, supplied by Aersa. The water is reticulated 4 3 via a variable speed drive (VSD)-driven pump to the cooling coils in the room. Each room has two cooling coils with 3 630mm fans each. The fans are specifically sized this large to ensure air flows through the small perforations in the boxes and through the bananas. The cooling coils are of a dual discharge layout. They suck air up through the centre of the room and push it out via a false ceiling and air curtains down the side of the room and through the banana boxes. Should the rooms need to be heated, the cooling coils have electric heater elements to add heat to the room. Cooling water is regulated by Belimo modulating valves from Elliwel’s bespoke PLC units (one at each room). 1. TelevisGo Scada plant monitoring and control system. 2. New building where banana ripening rooms reside. 3. Water chillers outside on plinth. 4. DB board housing VSDs that run pumps and chiller control units. COLD LINK AFRICA • June 2019 13