In memory of Jock Badenoch
(1933 – 2019)
By John Ackermann
ock Badenoch was an iconic trucking came to the performance of Leyland and When it came to helping others, Jock had
man (mostly in the Western Cape) later Mercedes Benz and MAN trucks. With a big heart and was always willing to give
or otherwise known as “een van die Jock one always got the correct info and a to those in need. Whenever approached
straight answer. to contribute towards a charity or worthy
He was passionate about being a
Jock worked and played hard. He loved
cause he never hesitated.
truck dealer and would personally deliver drinking beer and could consume quite a Jock took pride in being part of
large trucks and a mechanical horse few at times. He was always fit for his age the trucking industry and helped with
to his clients. On many occasions, Jock until the last few years when his eyesight enthusiasm in organising industry events
would drive from Cape Town to Namibia started failing and he couldn’t drive and meetings and socials. At the planning
to deliver a new truck/ tractor or rigid to anymore. One of his favourite party tricks of the “Lorriemense se Bosberaad” held
a client and explain and demonstrate was to stand on his head. on 21 April 1993 in the Jonkershoek reserve
all its features. There were many sides to
One memorable occasion was at the
Jock Badendoch at the celebration of his
77th birthday.
near Stellenbosch, Jock was a key player
Jock. After being in South Africa for over socialising after the one-day meeting and brought much laughter to the day. 50 years, he never lost his strong Scottish held on 8 February 1990 at the President When came to SARDA, he was always a His health started to fade rapidly during
accent. His accent was more noticeable Hotel in Sea Point to launch what strong supporter of all events and willing to 2018 and on 28 March 2019, he passed
when trying to converse with some of his was to become the Southern African participate. away peacefully at home, just three days
clients in Afrikaans. Refrigerated Distribution Association
Jock also had some narrow escapes in
before he would have celebrated his 86th
(SARDA). At the end of the day and while four major car accidents and miraculously worked for Leyland Albion, had his own enjoying drinks on the outside patio, survived. It just was not his time. business for a while, moved to the Cape overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, Jock and then for most of the time worked for (after a few beers) stood on his head on friends and was married four times. He a Mercedes Benz Truck dealer i.e., Stanley top of a small wall. Another of his party had a contagious smile but could also Porter and Orbit Motors. In later life he also tricks was that when he needed to pull up suddenly change and become stern ever met him socially or in business. May he
worked for MAN. his socks, he would drop his trousers, pull and unforgiving. He spent his last years in rest in peace knowing that he will be fondly
up his brightly coloured socks and pull his Darling where he soon became part of the remembered by many and for many years
trousers back up. local community. to come.
After emigrating to South Africa, he
As a trucking man, he was respected
for his knowledge and experience when it
Jock liked the ladies, had many lady
COLD LINK AFRICA • July/August 2019
birthday on 31 March.
Our sympathy and condolences are
extended to his two surviving daughters
and his two sons.
Jock Badendoch left his mark on all who