EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS can be developed . While traditionally robots have been restricted to repetitive processes that are high in volumes – the future will include more advanced operations based on programmed parameters with understanding of an entire process and little to no intervention required .
• Robots boost entrepreneurship . While this may again seem an odd statement , with the range of available robots and automation as well as what can be expected in the near future – this technology can support businesses at all levels – even to the extent where someone can install a robot to assist with cake decorating , craft work , food preparation or creative solutions for non-creative people – all of which builds up employment opportunities . So , ultimately this immediately affords a start-up business a level of competitiveness or uniqueness to sell their product or service .
• Robot functions can be altered . In some instances , a robot ’ s capability can be altered to perform other tasks to meet changing environments and needs of any facility . This supports business sustainability .
• Robots have diverse applications . From the smallest labour-intensive task right through to complex scientific and genetic work in the medical fields , robots can provide unmatched precision while also being extremely simple to use . This can be from industrial to commercial and even domestic level applications .
As human expectation and demands change from years of past waiting for a product for two weeks , to nearly instantaneous engagements today , the benefits of robotics and automation in our everyday life is expected to grow continuously . Already the installation of robots across the globe was reported to have doubled over recent years and will likely become a minimum inclusion for new engineers that will emerge in future with the drive to continually improve efficiency , productivity and support roles in human existence . The ability to react quickly and accurately will essentially be key for all businesses in particular to stay competitive and this cannot be achieved without advancing technology in operations .
Media guests were taken through the Yaskawa warehouse in Johannesburg and shown various units that can fulfil different roles in an integrated process and as stand-alone . Further the guests were able to observe the client testing zone where “ setups ” are done to evaluate clients ’ particular needs / possibility in achievement of needs prior to adoption in their facilities . The event was concluded with a networking opportunity with the Yaskawa team and general exchange of industry information .
Here a robot is handling freshly processed and packaged meat as part of an automated line .
Readers are encouraged to explore the vastness of robots and automation themselves – the range available today really includes any solutions one can think of , and one also doesn ’ t need to break the bank to make inclusion of this technology a reality in your operations . Speak to the professionals ! CLA
Robots boost entrepreneurship .
COLD LINK AFRICA • January / February 2023 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 19