Cold Link Africa January / February 2023 | Page 18

At a media round table event held recently , the adoption of robotics and levels of automation were addressed by executives of Yaskawa South Africa and Europe .

Robotics and automation will create jobs , specialists reveal

By Benjamin Brits

At a media round table event held recently , the adoption of robotics and levels of automation were addressed by executives of Yaskawa South Africa and Europe .

Hosting the event was Andrew Crackett – managing director of Yaskawa Robotics Southern Africa , Marcus Mead – managing director of Yaskawa Robotics Division Europe and Bruno Schnekenburger – president and chief executive officer of Yaskawa Europe , who aimed to offer several insights around global trends and how successful models could be replicated in Africa in the deployment of robotics and automation .

For most people – in business and the consumer environment , the thought of robots and automation is still strongly linked to an impact onto job security , and even further such dark and unspoken thoughts of robots “ taking over the world ”. This mindset unfortunately continues to influence a slow adoption and resistance from many sectors , however , today ’ s dynamics are forcing a different approach .
The idea backing this knowledge exchange from Yaskawa was to break down some misconceptions and negative associations that may exist towards robotics and automation , and to put this technology in a positive light by showcasing the aspects that are not necessarily top of mind for decision makers .
Across the globe , the majority of robots are deployed in the automotive sector in manufacturing and assembly lines , and this space is also where Yaskawa already has a strong foothold . Their objective now will turn toward diversifying into other industries in the region such as warehousing , fast moving consumer goods , general industry ( eg fertilisers and processing ), palletising , as well as logistics .
It was mentioned that , as many have already experienced first-hand , navigating the last two years particularly has put a lot of businesses under pressure with increasing consumer demands and so what has resulted is an accelerated adoption of technology in the global trade cycle . Much of this increased activity is linked directly to storage , materials handling , and meeting the changed dynamics of foodstuff-ordering that now requires faster turnaround times that have become necessary to match e-commerce orders in a very competitive trading sector . This factor alone is complex as service providers must adapt to various conditions , customised delivery and regularly changing trends – both locally and internationally .
With the booming activity in the warehousing / storage sector with larger spaces being developed in strategic economic hubs around the country , facility owners have to become a lot more forward thinking in terms of setup , integration , product flows , accommodating varying goods and technology to future proof their operations .
All image Credits : Yaskawa
Part of the discussion showed how it has therefore become a key element for facility owners and managers to ensure a wellstructured mix to enhance their efficiency – which is achieved primarily by reducing losses such as that experienced along various points in the entire logistics chain in fact – from sorting to packaging aspects . Here a simple example that was offered was the consequences that occur when even the simplest inputs are misaligned such as product placements during automated packaging or containers that are mis-formed . Here the inclusion of robots with visual inspections can greatly assist the processing lines or flag any error . Similarly , robot bagging of produce or palletising systems can ensure much higher levels of quality . The possible application of robots and automation is so vast with many ranges and functions available from the smallest role to mass lifting applications that Yaskawa is able to supply as turnkey solutions – including meeting all of the HACCP requirements in safety standards .
Addressing the common “ elephant in the room ”, the dialogue then turned towards the “ fear ” most industry segments have when considering robots , robotics and automation , and how Yaskawa negotiates these sentiments in the industry . The response was backed by several information streams which revealed that statistically countries which have high levels of autonomy such as Japan , Singapore , Germany , China and Korea – are by far more economically successful and can achieve optimal efficiency both in the use of raw materials and resources ( including energy and water ). They are also able to produce or process better quality products consistently , and this enhances their competitiveness in the global arena . Without competitiveness – a business cannot survive let alone create more jobs .
Automation and robotics will allow South Africa to be globally competitive .
Yes , in the short term view the Yaskawa team acknowledged some job functions will likely be replaced by robots , but when one considers the greater picture , as was explained , the net result of automation and the implementation of robots is that more jobs are created than lost .
At first , this statement may seem like it is a disconnected view of several industries , however as the team proceeded to explain , the realities were revealed .
• Robots can be deployed to ensure safety of workers . The opportunity to address several safety challenges at facilities can easily be managed by the inclusion of robots – from hazardous conditions such as those in ultra-low temperature environments to tasks that require extreme concentration for long
A robot deployed in an agricultural bagging facility used to move and pack processed stock . periods of time thus avoiding near misses and workplace incidents . This also plays into worker wellbeing and mitigating of dangers which is a priority for most businesses .
• The inclusion of robots can be at any level . Tasks can be achieved with the flexibility offered by robot and human collaboration . Currently the global average is that of around 120 robots per 10 000 employees and their inclusion grows overall productivity . In SA that number is far lower – estimated at 4 per 10 000 employees .
• Better productivity , quality and efficiency leads to the creation of more jobs . When one considers the entire value chain both upstream and downstream from where robots are deployed in a manufacturing or processing facility , the result is that increased production capacity means that more materials and services are required up stream thus expanding job functions many times over – the same applies for downstream . More goods being produced expands several sectors such as storage , logistics and retail opportunities – for local or international consumption / use .
• Automation and robotics will allow South Africa to be globally competitive . Rather than watching so much of our resources and commodities just leaving the borders , the country can embark on several beneficiation paths to grow the manufacturing and processing sectors - from foods to electronics - and truly participate in the global economy . The opportunity to improve the South African equation is therefore significant in this regard .
• Robotics improve sustainability . One thing most people don ’ t realise is that by using modern manufacturing techniques , one will use less electrical energy , scrap / waste rates are reduced , low level labour jobs are turned into skilled employment , worker satisfaction increases , and the general costs of producing goods and services are lowered per unit and importantly making many more goods affordable for the population . One can imagine the cost of certain goods if labour was the major input in the food supply chain as an example – certain foods would become unaffordable .
• Robots can form part of a digitisation strategy and Industry 4.0 . Leveraging technology , machine learning and artificial intelligence , more solutions

18 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • January / February 2023