COLD LINK AFRICA PUBLISHED BY Interact Media Defined ( Pty ) Ltd 13A Riley Rd , Bedfordview , 2007 , South Africa PO Box 695 , Edenvale , 1610 Tel : + 27 ( 0 ) 11 579 4940 Web : www . interactmedia . co . za
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SARDA pays tribute to Raymond Ackerman
Though Cold Link Africa immediately paid its respects online to Pick ‘ n Pay founder Raymond Ackerman at the time of his death in September 2023 , SARDA ( Southern African Refrigerated Distribution Association ) had especially wished to pay tribute , in the following article written in its behalf by John Ackermann .
Raymond Ackerman was a giant , a visionary , a business leader , and a strong supporter of SARDA in its early days . At the time when SARDA ( Southern African Refrigerated Distribution Association ) was at its infancy , the support of one of South Africa ’ s most influential businessmen of all times , brought stature to the Association . He had the prosperity of South Africa and all its people at heart , and his address at the national Annual General Meeting of SARDA held at the Wanderers Club in Johannesburg on 7 September 1993 , bore witness to his commitment .
“ South Africa is entering a very exciting era in its history . The main political parties are negotiating on a democratic form of government to represent all South Africans and sanctions are becoming something of the past . The country has already been re-admitted to the international sporting community . The whispers of tomorrow tell of a better long-term future if we are all prepared to make some personal and positive contribution towards the future of the country instead of being concerned about what could have happened or what is not happening . The business sector also needs to be more active and committed towards bringing about peace and prosperity to our country . In a peaceful environment , many challenging doors will be opened as we once again become a member of the international business community .”
Under his leadership , Pick ‘ n Pay played an active role in SARDA and a senior executive always served on the National Council as be strongly advocated the importance of the cold chain and here I quote , “ The retailing of perishables by Pick ‘ n Pay has undergone major changes requiring a vast investment in the training of personnel and state-of-the-art equipment with many more improvements still to come . The cold chain has been extended from the producer of fresh produce right through to the point of sale . Many of our vehicles have been refrigerated for this very purpose and is only one of the investments needed to meet the standards of quality now demanded by the consumer .
“ The launch of our Foodhall brought about many improvements in our handling and merchandising of temperaturecontrolled perishables and some of these techniques are now being applied in our Hypermarkets .
“ Pick ‘ n Pay will soon change its concept of marketing meat . Primal cuts will be taken to central points where it will be cut and packed for distribution to the supermarkets . Only a limited amount of cutting will be done in the supermarket . The marketing of meat in this manner will mean a greater need for the implementation of cold chain .
“ Refrigeration plays an important role in our business and represents a vast investment in capital equipment and plant . Pick ‘ n Pay has also embarked on a costly programme to ensure that our refrigeration plants remain environmentally friendly and in so doing will preserve the environment for future generations . The efforts by SARDA in implementing the Montreal Protocol need to be supported and encouraged . The whispers of tomorrow tell of a better long-term future .”
At the same AGM , Graham Laithwaite of Pick ‘ n Pay was re-elected as the representative of the retailing sector on the SARDA national council .
Raymond Ackerman .
Ammonia and refrigerant
Pick ' n Pay
Raymond Ackerman h ad an incredible gift of remembering names of persons that he met , no matter how many he met each day and even after a lapse of years he would still remember an individual and some personal information about them . He showed strong compassion towards others , especially his colleagues and staff . Many of his large national work force , he knew by first name and some of their domestic information .
He never hesitated to support training programmes that uplifted skills and improved the ability of others to be valuable members of society and the economy . He also was a strong supporter of many charities .
After each occasion of meeting him on a one-to-one basis , I left with a life-long memory of awe and high regard .
We salute Raymond Ackerman for his passion for South Africa , for touching the lives of so many and his strong support of SARDA when it was needed the most . At the age of 92 years old , he certainly left the world a better place when he passed away on 7 September 2023 . CLA
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safety with the MGS-401
MSA Safety , a global leader in the development , manufacture and supply of sophisticated safety solutions that safeguard people , places and the planet announced the launch of the MSA Bacharach MGS-401 Entrance Monitor .
The MGS-401 has been designed specifically for safety compliance in refrigeration applications and is ideal for machinery rooms , walk-in freezers , cold rooms , industrial cold storage , and chiller rooms .
The MGS-401 improves facility safety by displaying gas concentration levels such as ammonia or carbon dioxide outside the monitored area . This entrance monitor provides clear audible and visual alarms with a perimeter strobe . The MGS-401 when combined with the MGS-400 range of gas detectors , can assist with IIAR , ASHRAE 15 , CSA B52 and EN378 , and SANS 10147 while alerting personnel of potential risks before entering the space . Beyond audible and visual alarms , the MGS-401 Entrance Monitor displays gas concentration levels of up to four diffusion gas detectors for centralised monitoring .
Tori Vernacchio , Product Line Manager for MSA Bacharach , explains : “ By combining the MGS-401 Entrance Monitor with the MGS-400 series of diffusion Gas Detectors , you can get a single-source gas detection system . This provides an enhanced way to achieve compliance with refrigeration safety standards .” CLA
Entrance monitor light .
COLD LINK AFRICA • January / February 2024 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za
MSA Safety