Cold Link Africa Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 28

Energy use There are many options to reducing the energy usage of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems and plant , for example variable speed drives on motors , variable super heat control , defrost on demand , automatic purging of non-condensable , and electronic expansion valves to reduce the band of temperature control . The full benefit of the mentioned energy saving interventions can only be achieved if the system is operating at its designed parameters . This includes fully charged with refrigerant , temperature and pressure controls correctly set , no bypass on coiling coils , fouling of coils within allowed limits , and temperature control sensors correctly located . Some of the inaccuracies can be attributed to the improper commissioning of the plant .
The ClimaCheck system showcased by Klas Berglof analyses the performance of the plant by measuring pressures , temperatures and power input at selected locations and compares it with the optimum thermodynamic performance of the plant . With the measured parameters , the ClimaCheck calculates COP , detects irregular pressures and temperatures , and benchmarks the operating patterns unique to the system and site conditions . A close technical analysis based on a thorough understanding of the thermodynamic performance of the plant will pinpoint areas for optimisation of energy efficiency . ClimaCheck and the assessment service of Berglof have been used by leading
The award-winning Eptablue water loop system connected to a vending cabinet with a CO 2 unit . compressor manufacturers to assess field performance of new products and existing products with new refrigerants .
Refrigeration trends in retail Reduced energy use with the smallest carbon footprint was promoted by many of the exhibitors aimed at the retail trade .
The Viessmann Group , with 11 600 employees , 22 production companies in 11 countries , and a turnover of EUR2.2-billion , showcased the Tecto Refrigo series of condensing units with packaged cold rooms and a range of refrigerated vending cabinets . The R290 charged , Deli-135 cabinet caught the attention of many visitors . The selfcontained Deli-135 is ideal for convenience
At the FCE stand , Dr Luca Buglia ( left ) and Gianluca Di Stasio .
The Witt stand , a port of call for all industrial refrigeration engineers .
Behr ’ s range of covers for retrofitting to open top refrigerated island freezers or cabinets .
Steve Long ( left ) and Naeem Fakir from GEA South Africa at the massive GEA stand .
Witt showcased the latest in pumps and a SAV pressure vessel package .
The large Hansen valve dominated the roof space . The line up of Bock compressors attracted many to the GEA stand .

28 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • January | February 2017