The Conspiracy Team
My name is Nidarius Lamon Welborn. I
am the layout editor for the magazine. I
am 16 years young, and currently a junior
at Lexington Senior High School. I am a
well-rounded student athlete with a
extraordinary taste in writing and working
on my studies. Yet, my passion is to work
in Healthcare and to achieve a degree in
health related Scientific studies.
Eventually, I would want to work as an
Anesthesiologist in a hospital, but first
start out as a CNA or a RN. My family
consists of a older sister that is striving
for her master's degree, and a mother
who is currently employed but searching
for a better job.
My name is Nolan Benson, head
Graphic designer. I received my
masters degree from Lexington
University in Area 51ology. I
currently live with my son, Bobby. I
admire and model my work after the
works of Sting, Jack Davis, and
others. I have written countless books
and tomes on the subject of alien
technology. I enjoy my work in the
field and am responsible for many
profound discoveries dealing with
Area 51. After Retiring, I plan to
continue a career in accounting and