Coffeeshop Author Talk Magazine Volume One | Issue One, July 2013 | Page 5

Project Write Cont ’ d ... for both fiction and non-fiction writers .
On the back of each card , write 5 points that you want to cover . If you are writing a book about , let ’ s say Social Media . What types of Social Media will you cover ? Facebook ? Twitter ? Pinterest ? Write those on the front of your cards . Now on the back of the Facebook card , writer 5 points that you want to discuss about Facebook .
It might look like this ....
• Creating A Profile
• Creating A Fan Page
• How To Get Followers / Likes
• Marketing On Facebook
Facebook being the front of your card , the bullet points being the backside . These now become your chapters and the content of your chapters . All ten or twelve of them .
For Fiction writers , it may look something like this ... Sam & Josephine Meet For First Time
• So Much Tension
• Try To Make Each Other Jealous
• Fist Fight Breaks Out
• Secrets Are Spilled
• Who Wins ?
Once you have all your index cards filled out , front and back , then look through them and see what fits well and what doesn ’ t fit well . Throw out the weakest link , or card in this case .
Voila ! You now have your book outlined and you can tuck it away in your box until you ’ re ready to begin writing .
Once you are ready to write , pull out your cards , put on your favorite music , and let the words flow through your fingers . With this outline , if you run into a mind block , just look at your cards to get you back on track . Before you know it , your book will be finished and you ’ ll be sending it off to the Editor for final touches .

BK Walker http :// bkwalkerscafe . com bookitbk @ comcast . net