Coffeeshop Author Talk Magazine Volume One | Issue One, July 2013 | Page 4

How To Write Your Book Quickly and Effectively ... Without Losing Your Mind !

Are you a Panster or are you an Outliner ?

No matter what type of writer you claim to be , the best way to write a book is through planning . I once was a panster , and still am at times , but I found that by doing a simple guideline , I can get my book written faster and keep my mind straight and on the story as I go .
Of course , I still write on the fly , but sometimes I get so into my characters that I forget points I want to make with my storyline . I find myself re-reading to find my way back on the path of the plot .
So how can we write quickly , effectively and keep our minds and writing on track ? I have a few simple steps you can take to help you out , but first let ’ s get some supplies ...
1 . Get yourself a pack of index cards . 2 . Get a pen that you enjoy writing with . 3 . A box to keep your cards in . 4 . Put on your favorite music . 5 . Clear your mind . 6 . Envision your book from beginning to end .
I know , you ’ re thinking that I ’ ve lost my mind and this makes no sense . Believe me , you ’ re going to love this .
Count out about ten index cards , or twelve , and lay them out in front of you . On each card , write one topic or scene that you want to cover in your book . Yes , this works