Coffeeshop Author Talk Magazine Volume One | Issue One, July 2013 | Page 17

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as I sadly witnessed . As objectionable as such individuals were , those very characteristics work wonders in nefarious and reprehensible fictional characters . This also opens doors to great conflict , always needed to generate a good story . What I have found by exploring the negative is that one can often shed light on the positive . Which I hope I am conveying as I write . What have you researched in the past ? Is it gathering dust in an attic or a basement ? A great summer project could be to dig into your old data , take the time to see it from a different perspective , or simply with the wisdom of who you are today . Now ask yourself if there is a book , a short story or a play ready to sprout from your old research and onto your fingertips .

About M . C . V . Egan

Maria Catalina Vergara Egan is the author of THE BRIDGE OF DEATHS M . C . V . Egan lives in South Florida . She is fluent in four languages ; English , Spanish , French and Swedish . From a young age became determined to solve the ‘ mystery ’ of her grandfather ’ s death , she has researched this story for almost two decades . The story has taken her to Denmark , England and unconventional world of the Paranormal .
www . thebridgeofdeaths . com
On August 15th 1939 , at the brink of World War II , an English plane crashed and sunk in Danish waters . Five deaths were reported : two Standard Oil of New Jersey employees , a German Corporate Lawyer , an English member of Parliament , and a crew member for the airline . Here is a conceivable version of the events .
The Bridge of Deaths is a love story and a mystery . Fictional characters travel through the world of past life regressions and information acquired from psychics as well as Archives and historical sources to solve “ One of those mysteries that never get solved ”. Based on true events and real people it is the culmination of 18 years of sifting through sources and finding a way to help the reader feel that he / she is also sifting through data and forming their own conclusions . The journey takes the reader to well known and little known events leading up to the Second World War , both in Europe and America . The journey also takes the reader to the possibility of finding oneself in this lifetime by exploring past lives .

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