Codeswitchers :: Business | Social Change | Leadership Pathfinders Mar 2015 | Page 11


NAME:Ingrid Cumming

FROM: Perth (Whadjuk Nyungar)

COMPANY: Kart Koort Wiern

My business is all about…..

Creating strong futures together by understanding one another. We inspire our clients to want to learn more and incorporate the strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and knowledge into western frameworks. We offer training, mentoring, consultancy and cultural performances.

The thing that motivates me the most is……

The passion for assisting change and knowing it is possible, the more we connect and understand each others ways of doing.

The most courageous thing I have done so far in my life is…..

Become a Mum. Raising the future generation comes with great responsibilities. I want to make our ancestors and elders proud by teaching my children about their culture and how to survive in the Western world, so they too, can have a positive impact on the next generation. Oh and travelling over and near war zones.”

The biggest lesson I have learnt to date is……

Be organized and never be afraid to ask for help.

If I could give my 16 year old self any words of wisdom, it would be………

Stop what you are doing and go back to school. You will be successful one day, but do it the easier way and stay in school … oh and tell your mum and dad how much you love them

If I had to give other entrepreneurs a piece of advice, it would be……..

Be YOU. No one can be YOU better than YOU! Your authenticity is your edge. Don’t be a cookie cutter entrepreneur.

My favorite quote / or something I really believe in is…..

Be the change you want to see in the world … Ghandi