WATCH NOW! Meg Moore’s “How Can I Thrive?”
Also check out “Strive to Thrive.”
states that Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi
(pronounced cheek-sent-me-hi)
describes as key to optimal wellbeing—those moments when we
are enjoying an activity so much
that we lose track of time. Without
undue effort, we execute the activity
to the best of our abilities. While
the workplace is the best place for
experiencing regular flow states, most
people do not let themselves enjoy
flow states every day because their
minds are polluted by overwhelming
to-do lists and distractions.
goals. This capacity is highly polished
in the workplace (although often
at the expense of other capacities
described here). Those among us
with attention deficits need to work
harder to build self-regulation skills,
and to learn to set aside disruptive
emotions, impulses and distractions
so that we get the important stuff
done. Executive function gets a
powerful boost when we tame our
frenzy, exercise regularly, sleep well
and eat a Mediterannean diet.
9. Executive Function
As the most social animals on the
planet, humans share a primary
need for approval, appreciation,
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