Crofton House School
Whole Girl Education Model
We believe in a student-centered, inquiry-based,
collaborative delivery model that allows our girls to
explore competencies and international practise
through our enriched curricular content.
Our girls feel valued as individuals; as part of the
collective school community they create and plan
their personal journey. As they embrace responsibility
for their learning journey, they are more engaged and
invested in their personal learning. This environment
nurtures the whole girl, giving her choice while
making meaningful connections to all aspects of her
An environment of intellectual curiosity is created
and fostered by centering the learning experience on
questioning, imagination, observation and wonder.
Creative and critical thinking are valued and
Students develop an understanding and participate
in the shared goals of the learning community. As
they work together, share ideas, create knowledge,
solve problems, encourage and foster interdependent
relations, and appreciate diversity, they will enhance
the collective learning experience.