Co-Curricular Handbook 2020-2021 | Page 20

20 Crofton House School STEM Duration Meeting Times Full Year Thursday, After School Eligibility Grade 8–12 The aim of the STEM club is to create a blended learning environment in mathematics and science, which are highly integrated disciplines particularly in biotechnology and engineering. The science activities will focus on the broad applications of science such as crystal growing, engineering challenges, and preparation for competitions such as science fair and Physics Olympics. The math activities will focus on pure mathematical problem solving. Both of these disciplines will come together to tackle real life scientific projects where mathematical tools will be essential for an effective execution. Studio 65 Duration Meeting Times Full Year Tuesday, After School Eligibility Grade 8–12 Studio 65 (Art Club) is a place for students to hone in on their skills, develop their techniques and portfolios, and collaborate with other creative thinkers. Students learn how to work together on school community projects such as murals and festive celebrations, as well as creating individual and personal projects. With the guidance of two art captains, students develop their creative thinking skills, and are provided with materials, instruction and support. Studio 65 is perfect for those students who are seeking a creative outlet in addition to their academic schedule. Tech Crew Duration Meeting Times Full Year Monday, Lunch Eligibility Grade 8–12 The tech crew is the behind the scene support for many school activities. Club members help set up the audio / visual and lighting for the Senior School assemblies\and have members attend all rehearsals and productions of the Senior School production, house plays, Junior School production, and other select performances to provide help from the tech booth. The club is also beginning to live-stream sporting events that the are held at CHS. Video Duration Meeting Times Full Year Thursday, After School Eligibility Grade 8–12