CNH CKI's The Sunburst Volume 55, Issue 3 Volume 52, Issue #4 | Page 6

06 MARCH 2013 district events Nam Hoang UN Reno District District Large Scale Service Project - North is an event where all Circle K members from the Northern half of California and Nevada come to Stockton, California to perform a full day of service. We began the day by meeting up at the University of the Pacific for breakfast, and at the same time, we split up into several different teams with random Circle K-ers so everybody could get to know each other. After that, Luke Tanaka, who was the chair of this event gave us directions on where to go and what to do. We arrived at the bank of Calaveras River and started off by playing an ice breaker with the team we were with. Once the ice breaker was done, we proceed to walk along the river bank and cleaned up all the trash. With so many of us, the river bank was spotless in just a few hours. Once the event was over, we all went back to University of the Pacific to have our well deserve lunch and break. Lunch was provided by the District and immediately after that, Circle K-ers headed out for another service project at the Boggs Tract Community Farm. Teams were assigned into different tasks like; Planting trees, leveling dirt, moving hays and cleaning up weeds. At the end of the day, we planted over 20 trees, clean up the whole farm, and reorganizing almost a thousand pounds of hay. I just want to give thanks to Service Committee for helping out organizing event, Luke Tanaka for chairing the event, and our amazing District Service Chair, Leonne Chung. It was a full day of service, fellowship, and leadership and I couldn’t have ask for anything better! L-O-V-E WE LOVE OUR D-S-C! Large Scale