editor's parting words
AHHHHHHhisIT’S MYend is here! Can you believe it?! I’m stillEVER! my head around it, even after
LAST SUNBURST trying to wrap
Just as J-Cao stated in
message, the
the craziest District Convention to date. Did you have a good time at DCON? Big shout-out to Stefanie Chow and her awesome
committee for puting on such a great event! YOU, WAY TO GO YOU! CNH definitely reached new heights and broke records at
DCON, and I’m confident you will go above and beyond in the next term!
This message is having its own page and is significantly longer than my previous blurbs, simply because it’s, well, my last CKI
publication... ever. And I’ve been designing for what, two years? Yep. I’m surprised I’m not totally burned out, even after being
a part of CKI and holding a board position for the last three years. My story? I went from UCLA CKI’s Publicity Chair and Pillow
Fight Event Co-Chair to UCLA CKI’s Publications Editor to where I am today. I never ever ever expected venture down this
path, especially since I was THIS close to leaving the organization soon after joining. She may never read this, and I’ve reiterated this many times, but I owe it all to my UCLA CKI momma Kathy Nguyen for being so persistent and getting me to stay.
Yes, my story isn’t special, nor is it dissimilar to what you’ve heard before, but it all comes down to the point I want to make.
I’ve told many in the past that when it comes to designing anything, I hold content on a slightly higher level than design. If
you’ve noticed, there’s something distinct about a select number of articles which I had selected and placed into these issues,
especially the district-scale events. I chose these articles because they express how and why members stayed in this organization and what has sparked their passion to perform better and serve harder than ever before with CKI. My point is: CKI is
what you make of it, and sometimes, you just gotta let things happen and unravel. You never know what you’ll get from it,
and based on my experience and these articles, I can guarantee that it’s something you will not regret.
TL;DR - I owe CKI my life, and I’m glad I gave it another chance.
It’s been a true honor to serve you, Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K, and I will rooting for you from beyond. Thank you for the unforgettable memories, the plethora of friends made across the district, the support and encouragement received from many that
kept me going through tough times, and so much more. Thank you to 2012-2013 CNH District Board for a term full of sideshurting laughter, buckets of tears, struggles of all sorts, sleepless nights, and wildly inappropriate jokes. Y’all made my term
that much more bearable, and it’s a true blessing to work with such an amazing group of individuals. :’)
Thank you to the District Public Relations Committee and the best co I could ask for Truongster Pham for PaRtying so hard all year long. You guys make me so proud :’D Love you DPR
babies!! Co, sorry that you had to put up with me. Between us, you are the better half
:> Thank you also to the man on the right - My advisor, Peter Yu! YUUUU are the BEST!
Thanks for all the support! :) And of course, thank you to ALL writers, photographers,
providers of important information, and so many others for contributing to
this publication. It would not be possible without you <3
Thank you Metro Division for never ever failing to bring the sass and fab
factor - Y’all better keep it up once I graduate! :P And last, but certainly
not least, thank you to Circle K at UCLA for you were the foundation
upon which I built my college career. You are all freakin’ amazing, and
have made my CKI and college life so so so worthwhile. Thank you.
Best of luck to the 2013-2014 District Board, especially my
successor, whoever you may be! Stay awesome, CNH - I’ll
cheering from somewhere around the world :) Love you
all! L-O-V-E, I LOVE YOU, CNH!
Signing out one last time,
Jennifer Lai
2012-2013 Publications Editor
Circle K International
California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Metro Division
University of California, Los Angeles