District Totals
sunny's spotlights
what is “sunny’s spotlights”?
Sunny’s Spotlights is a corner where
CNH recognizes the clubs that stand
out and go above and beyond in the
areas of service and fundraising. Stay
tuned for the next issue to see if your
school is featured!
(as of August)
Total Service Hours: 33,242.6
Total Kiwanis Family Events: 679
Total Interclub Events: 784
Total Members: 2582
Keep up the great work, CNH CKI!
Service: UH Hilo
Azhar Deen
UC San Diego
The University of Hawaii, Hilo has truly been
a beacon of the Circle K tenets across the Pacific Ocean. Situated on the Big Island of Hawaii, these Circle K-ers exemplify that Paradise
Ohana Spirit. With 29 dues paid members, UH
Hilo is a pretty small club, but that doesn’t stop
them from achieving gargantuan feats. In April
they totaled 162 service hours; by June they had
doubled that to 299 service hours. And in the the
course of one month, by July that had doubled
that again to 683 service hours.
With a club size of 29, that amounts to approximately 23.5 service hours per member. To put
that in perspective, the two strongest schools in
Paradise have 10.4 (SDSU) and 14.7 (UCSD) ser-
vice hours per member. Not only that, the club
has strong relations with the Kiwanis Family in
the area, from their own sponsoring Kiwanis
club to other SLPs. The club even makes an effort to bring people together to video chat in
at DCMs and other schools General Body Meetings.
The club has a very social environment, often
watching movies together as a club and discussing their social ramifications. This level of
success would not have been possible without
the leadership of President Francis Sakai-Kawada and his board. Each and every one of these
members are on top of their work and enjoy it
as well. For this reason, I would like to honorably
recognize them for their efforts. The University
of Hawaii, Hilo has certainly distinguished itself
and is a pride of the Paradise Division.
To find out more about Circle K at UH Hilo, visit
Fu ndraising: UC San Diego
UCSD CKI ‘CARES’ about eliminating maternal/neonatal tetanus! This year for our CARES campaign, we decided to sell
bracelets and finals week ‘care’ packages to benefit one of
our DFIs, UNICEF’s Project Eliminate. It was a great opportunity for fun, fellowship, and fundraising for our club. Spreading awareness to the campus about the Eliminate Project’s
initiatives was also extremely rewarding.
This year in support of the CARES initiative, we came up with
two innovative ideas to educate people about the Eliminate
Project while advocating a heart for service and showing our
fellow UCSD students we care. The first of the two was our
bracelet design, depicting the importance of protecting the
bond between a mother and her child. Secondly, we wanted
to show some love to our fellow colleagues by selling finals
week ‘care’ packages stocked with lots of goodies—granola
bars, candy, teabags, and nice notes!