CMS Staffing Compliance with Facility Assessments
3 .
Updated Facility Assessment Requirements .
• CMS finalized several updates to the facility assessment as a means of strengthening the Facility Assessment requirement . The updates include :
• Clarifying that you must use evidence-based methods such as MDS data and data from QAPI activities , when care planning for your residents , including consideration for those residents with behavioral health needs .
• Requiring that you utilize the facility assessment to assess the specific needs of each resident unit in the facility and to adjust as necessary based on any significant changes in the resident population .
• Requiring that you include the input of the nursing home leadership , including but not limited to a member of the governing body and the medical director ; management , including but not limited to an administrator and the director of nursing ; and direct care staff , including but not limited to RNs , LPNs / LVNs , and NAs . You must also solicit and consider input received from residents , resident representatives , family members , and representatives of direct care staff .
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