CMAE Management Development Programme brochure | Page 4

MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IMPORTANT FOR CLUB MEMBERS In today’s high tech world, with ever more crowded schedules, and work-related stress, club members are looking for the club to enhance their work/life balance by providing great service, care and attention to detail. An educated manager, with access to industry experts and a network of colleagues at other clubs, can ensure their team delivers the best service available in their club. Together with their families and valued guests, club members are the most important customers a club has and they will expect their club manager to be educated to the high standard needed to ensure that their club is managed as efficiently as possible and the facilities provided are maintained to the highest possible standards, for current and future generations of members to enjoy. IMPORTANT FOR OUR CLUB INDUSTRY If our industry is to prosper and clubs continue to flourish in a very competitive leisure industry, the leadership required will be better served through a robust programme of education and training. Our programme will educate tomorrow’s leaders and managers today! With a benchmark qualification recognized throughout the world (CCM), club managers can demonstrate their credibility in the job and ensure cross-fertilisation of skills, knowledge and ideas as they manage ever more successful clubs around the globe. THE STORY SO FAR Since the introduction of our MDP courses in 2011, we have run 31 MDP courses in 6 countries to over 550 delegates. We now have 70 Club Manager Diploma (CMdip) holders and 36 certified Club Managers (CCM). If you think that education is expensive, try ignorance! Peter F. Drucker To register for courses and for more information, please visit 4