CMAE Management Development Programme brochure | Page 3
Why Is Club Management
Education Important?
Today’s club manager may be expected to manage a complex and
sometimes large property of several hectares; maintain multiple
buildings and facilities; provide sports and leisure services for
members and visitors; manage a team of employees and contractors;
promote the business to the local, regional, national and in many cases
international communities and of course manage
the club’s finances efficiently and prudently.
The owners of clubs, whether they are a committee or board in a
private members club, or an owner or corporation at a proprietary
club, are demanding more of their club manager in today’s increasingly
competitive and challenging business environment.
Whether club managers come from a business
background or are developing their careers within
the industry, the right education can provide each
individual with the learning resources they need to
do this job, often plugging gaps in their knowledge,
so they can better understand the broad range of
issues that affect the day-to-day management of a
club in the 21st century.
Club managers recognise that clubs are businesses
that require a combination of business acumen,
tact, diplomacy and top-class management skills. As
in any profession, they appreciate that they must
stay at the top of their game to remain competent
and constantly strive to increase their base of
However such success as a club manager depends on individual
commitment. Club managers must invest in their own growth
to achieve their peak potential. Therefore their own continual
professional development is no longer an option; it is a necessity for
themselves and indeed for all management staff in the Club Industry.
Even a club of modest size can be expected to enjoy an annual
turnover of over 1 million Euros and will employ a substantial team of
full and part-time employees, as necessary, to ensure the club is open
and ready for business up to 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365
days a year. Owners will rightly expect a return on their investment in
the club and the club manager.
The Management Development Programme is the first education
pathway produced by managers for managers, focussing on providing
this knowledge, its practical application and the networking required
to produce the successful manager.
Club committees will be tasked with making decisions for the good of
their members, and must rely upon an educated club manager to help
take them in the direction that makes their club the best it can be, and
thus ensure the satisfaction of the members who elected them.
In addition, the CMAE and our national partners provide a network of
support for a club manager, with local, regional, national and European
meetings, arranged to give opportunities for club managers to meet
colleagues, discuss trends and developments in the industry and share
best practice.
The CMAE and our partners therefore believe that a comprehensive
education programme, incorporating robust and challenging
certification, is required to equip club managers with the tools they
need to fulfill the role expected by Club Committees and Owners.
They must be prepared to invest in training and professional
development for their club manager and management team if their
club is to remain competitive and successful.The CMAE Management
Development Programme will do this.
Education is simply the soul of