BRINGING HOPE AND MAKING AN IMPACT THROUGH DINNER RIDES I met Jeston through the dinner rides that I run during the summer . Jeston came to his first dinner ride towards the end of the first year , back in 2012 . After that first one , he wished he would have started coming earlier . From 2013 on , Jeston and I have been able to form a really good relationship , and he is a gearhead like me ; we have just hit it off from the start . I didn β t realize the impact my faith walk was having until he shared that with me during one of our deep conversations . You see , I didn β t preach at him or put myself higher than him spiritually . I just showed Jesus through acts of kindness , showing a genuine interest in his life and a relationship with him . Here is his story .
Brian and Carrie Sermeno serve as Nebraska State Coordinator .
up , I never attended church unless I stayed at my Grandma β s on the weekend , and then I had to go with her . My family always said grace before supper , and they must have instilled in me that as long as you believe in God , you will go to Heaven . I always wondered if it was that easy why did everybody feel the need to go to church on Sundays and give up their free time .
My journey with Christ started when I got invited to the motorcycle dinner rides . It took several times before I finally decided to check it out . I was instantly hooked . I met amazing Christian people , who showed what living a life for Jesus was about . They were always willing to help and would do anything for you or even just stop by to see how you were doing , which really made a difference . The dinner rides gave me something to look forward to every week when I struggled to find the good in life . It kept me motivated to fix the bike so that I could go on the rides and be around those people to have good conversations and develop great friendships .
After several offers to have my bike blessed , I finally gave in . I didn β t know what to think of it at the time , but on that first ride after the blessing , I felt as if there was a shield of armor around my bike . It was a completely different experience than I had ever had before on my bike .
Many people ask me what the dinner rides are about , and I say it is a motorcycle ministry . The rides made me want to learn more about religion and see what I was missing . My wife always encouraged me to go to church , but I never felt comfortable until I became friends with several CMA members . We have
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