youth movement
By ZEKE McPherson
Samantha and I
fresh off the trip to Loretta Lynn’s
Motocross where we served with
15+ students and 10+ adults at
the track. We were blown away
by the way God is using CMA at
LLMX! There is a multi-generational
effort happening at LLMX
year after year as CMA’ers age 12
to age 85 join together to shine
the light of Christ to lost motorcyclists.
This success has brought
to our mind, however, a reminder
of the overall goal of CMA Youth
Movement, and I want to invite
CMA members to consider joining
with us as we go about accomplishing
CMA’s vision in Youth
CMA’s vision of changing the
world, one heart at a time is
accomplished in multiple ways,
but the first thing that comes to
my mind is evangelism to lost
people, specifically lost motorcyclists.
CMA Youth Movement is
not, or should not be, a departure
from this vision. I believe that
CMA Youth Movement is doing
an excellent job at equipping
young people with biblical truths
that should guide their walk with
the Lord, but one place that
Samantha and I are moved to see
grow in Youth Movement is our
regional engagement with secular
motorcycling ministry.
Here is the challenge that we
have before us, and we are asking
you to partner with us. As we
are showing up, serving, and
ministering to motorcyclists at
traditional motorcycling events,
what if we, CMA members who
are working so hard to serve God
in CMA, allowed students and
young adults who are getting
their feet wet in CMA to come
alongside us? Let them minister
with us and learn hands-on what
sets CMA apart. Our unique call is
to minister to motorcyclists, and I
sense the Lord moving us to help
engage our younger members in
this call as well.
What does this look like? I am
a 25-year-old man who attends a
handful of secular motorcycle
rallies in a year. I sense that I
have a duty to bring alongside
me teenagers and adults just out
of high school who are in CMA or
interested and expose them to
what I call “frontline CMA ministry.”
What if you are 70? Well,
for you, your “young CMA member”
that you are called to bring
alongside and inspire to serve at
events may be the 55-year-old
who you see month after month
in your chapter meeting. For the
50-60 age group, maybe there
are some 40-year-olds who need
an encouraging word to get out
and serve lost motorcyclists.
As you can see, this call to
reach lost motorcyclists and to
bring up others with us who can
do the same thing is massive! It is
a larger job than Samantha and I
or any of the evangelists are able
to do on our own. This is a call
that we all must answer together.
We must, as we are connecting
with the vision of CMA through
motorcycle evangelism, bring
people with us and teach them
how to do it. In this way, we are
helping connect people of all
ages to the core DNA that makes
CMA different from other ministry
organizations: our unique
call to reach the lost motorcycling
world. CMA
Zeke and Samantha McPherson
serve CMA as Youth Movement
National Evangelist.
27⎪SEPTEMBER 2020⎪