CMA HeartBeat October 2024 | Page 29



Would you like to advertise in the CMA HeartBeat ? Contact heartbeat @ cmausa . org for more advertising information .
Prayer points :
As the riding season is coming to a close in many of our CMA International nations in the northern hemisphere , pray for their strength and unity through the winter . They use this time to learn and grow together as a community . Spirit of God , give them wisdom on how to reach the bikers of their nations through the slow months of the year .
For the nations in the southern hemisphere , the biking season is starting to get more active . Please pray that God would give them wisdom where He would have them go and impact the bikers of their nations . May His hand of provision and protection be upon them .
If you have a motorcycle or motorcycle related item you would like to buy , sell , or trade please email it to heartbeat @ cmausa . org . All classified submissions must be less than 20 words , are subject to approval by the HeartBeat Editor , and will run for two months only . No photos allowed . Pricing varies depending on ad length .
Contact HeartBeat Editor for more details .
The Christian Motorcyclists Association does not endorse or promote any of the contents of the classified advertisements , nor are they responsible for the validity , condition , or accuracy of any advertised product . 29βŽͺOCTOBER 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org