CMA HeartBeat October 2023 | Page 10


By JAY Wilber
10βŽͺOCTOBER 2023βŽͺshop . cmausa . org
GOOD WORKS ? many times , chapters wonder if they are healthy .


They look around and only see small numbers , older people , and sometimes less than engaged members . We should focus more on the right thing . We can ’ t control old age , the number of members we have , or the attitude of each member . We can only control who we are and what we do . The biggest question is , where is your faith ? And what is it producing ? Is your chapter doing things or just talking about doing things ?
Faith without Good Deeds Is Dead β€œ What good is it , dear brothers and sisters , if you say you have faith but don ’ t show it by your actions ? Can that kind of faith save anyone ?” ( James 2:14 , NLT ).
That ’ s a good question . James is not talking about salvation being tied to works but about your faith connected to doing something . If we say we believe in the ministry and what we are called to do as members , then only attend chapter meetings and go home , where is our true faith ?
I ’ m not saying all chapters fail to do things . I have had a chance to see both chapters and members do amazing ministry this summer . At the 120th Harley Davidson Anniversary Rally , I saw chapters and members from several states working side by side with a servant ’ s heart , wanting to reach out
to the lost and love them .
We serve at Sturgis , where CMA members work and pray for people . At the same time , we see on Facebook CMA ’ ers serving and ministering at Loretta Lynns and the Biker Roundup . We see faith producing good works all around us . Some of us still get caught in the circle of complaining and giving up . We have a chance to make a difference , but even James understood the dangers of no works .
β€œ Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing , and you say , β€œ Good-bye and have a good day ; stay warm and eat well ”— but then you don ’ t give that person any food or clothing . What good does that do ? So you see , faith by itself isn ’ t enough . Unless it produces good deeds , it is dead and useless ” ( James 2:15-17 , NLT ).
If you see a need , you need to do something . God is not asking each chapter to conquer the world ; He is asking us to look for opportunities He gives us and act on them . Everyone sometimes doubts their abilities ; we may not all be the best speakers or know the Bible as well as someone else . God does not care about how good you are at something . He only cares about your obedience .
Be bold and encouraged about small numbers or people that are more engaged . Be strong and follow what you know God wants you to do . Don ’ t give up . That is the deadliest thing a chapter can do . Remember what James says .
Faith and Endurance β€œ Dear brothers and sisters , when troubles of any kind come your way , consider it an opportunity for great joy . For you know that when your faith is tested , your endurance has a chance to grow . So let it grow , for when your endurance is fully developed , you will be perfect and complete , needing nothing . If you need wisdom , ask our generous God , and he will give it to you . He will not rebuke you for asking . But when you ask him , be sure that your faith is in God alone . Do not waver , for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind ” ( James 1:2-6 , NLT ).
Again , don ’ t give up , and don ’ t waver in your calling . The number of people doesn ’ t matter . What matters is that you show up and do something . In verse 12 ( NLT ), James says , β€œ God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation . Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him .”
Listening and Doing β€œ Understand this , my dear brothers and sisters : You must all be quick to listen , slow to speak , and slow to get angry . Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires . So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives , and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts , for it has
( continue on page 11 )