CMA HeartBeat November 2023 | Page 6


By PAUL & BARB Schmitt
06⎪NOVEMBER 2023⎪shop . cmausa . org
“ We can make our plans , but the LORD determines our steps ” ( Proverbs 16:9 , NLT ). How you react when your plans are blocked has a lot to do with your spiritual maturity and your ability to trust in the Lord . Paul and Barb Schmitt overcame adversity and were blessed to be part of what CMA and MVI did on a recent mission trip to Colombia .
Mark & Tammy
Mark and Tammy Heid oversee the Rocky Mountain Region as National Evangelist .
MISSION TRIP man and satan

WHAT intend for evil , God uses for good . Barb and I know this truth from the story of Joseph and his brothers related in Genesis 50 . Still , most recently , we had the opportunity to test it and , more importantly , trust it on a CMA mission trip to Columbia .

Our adventure began when the Holy Spirit prompted us to join this outreach to Columbia . We had never felt God giving us clear direction to participate in mission trips before , so when we felt God ’ s calling , we didn ’ t resist ; we acted .
We landed in Houston to meet up with our mission team . Within one hour of our arrival , the enemy attacked . Someone broke into our rental car and stole two bags containing our passports , COVID-19 documentation , medication , and personal items . We stared at each other , feeling complete loss . Some items could be easily replaced , but passports ? Those can take weeks or even months to replace ... except God .
Our first thought was to turn around and go home . Then we remembered the apostle Paul ’ s assurance : God ’ s grace is all we need ; in our weaknesses , we are made strong through Jesus ( 2 Corinthians 12:9 ).
Barb and I know prayer changes things . We have prayer partners . We called on our Utah CMA family , mission team members , and church , The Grace Place . Within hours , what became real to us was the urging of Proverbs 6:4a ( NLT ): “ Don ’ t put it off , do it now .” We asked God to open doors , and we got moving FAST .
Houston is one of the few places in the United States where you can get a passport on the same day . God knew that . He had landed us right where we needed to be . Within a day , we had replacement passports , COVID-19 documents , prescriptions , and personal supplies . God makes a way when there is seemingly no way .
This mission trip involved leading
Colombian people to Jesus , encouraging brothers and sisters there in their ministries , and providing nine pastors with new bikes with the support of MVI so they could expand their reach . This was Run for the Son in action . We showed the JESUS film twice and saw many lives changed for eternity . We were able to leave a Jesus Film Project ® backpack , answering the fervent prayers of a pastor ’ s wife . We gave out study Bibles and provided workbooks to seminary students with the help of Global Christian Relief . And we had a chance to do many CMA bike blessings .
God transformed our experience that , at the outset , seemed to lead to despair and gave us a remarkable journey full of His glory . We experience trials in our lives . It ’ s a fact . Our mission trip reminded us that we can reach out to Jesus , our CMA family , and local churches when trials and obstacles come . God loves to bless both us and our efforts . We can trust Him to open doors .
“ Don ’ t put it off ; do it now ” ( 2 Peter 1:10b , MSG ). Peter ’ s letter assures us that when we do , we ’ ll find “ life on a firm footing , the streets paved and the way wide open ” ( 2 Peter 1:11 , MSG ).
Let ’ s ride ! CMA
Paul and Barb Schmitt are Area Reps for Utah .