CMA HeartBeat November 2023 | Page 5



By JOHN Ogden Sr

NOVEMBER is a time to reflect on God ’ s goodness . It is a time to spend with family and a time to share blessings with others .

β€œ In every thing give thanks : for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you ” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18 , KJV )
The first time I remember reading this verse , I was on an airplane going to Southeast Asia . I was in despair and troubled . As I read this verse , my mind focused on these words – β€œ this is the will of God in Christ Jesus .” Everything came into focus ; it was not about me but the will of God for my life . A peace came over me . I realized God was directing my path . Oh , to know the will of God in our lives . When we give everything over to Him , He takes control . We can trust Him each day without knowing tomorrow . CMA is a ministry of men and women who have said yes to Jesus . The world cannot understand this because they don ’ t know Jesus . But we understand . We are thankful that God would allow us to be a part of what He is doing in changing the world , one heart at a time .
May we pause today and reflect on the goodness of God with a thankful heart . May this November be a time of peace and joy as we
follow Jesus . May we remember the truly important things in life . God , family , and friends – you can trust JESUS . CMA
John Sr and Becky Ogden , John is CEO / Chairman of the Board of Directors . 05βŽͺNOVEMBER 2023βŽͺwww . cmausa . org