By IVAN Audette
AT the time of this writing ,
Irene and I are preparing for our trek across Canada to lead our annual Seasons of Refreshing . We have been blessed this past year with many new members which I am so looking forward to meeting . Our membership is growing , and we pray that outreach will grow along with it . Our theme this year is Overflowing Confident Hope , and it is with confident hope that many will come to know our Lord and Savior through the various outreaches that we do .
One such outreach is for our province of Quebec . Last year , we renewed our commitment to reach out to our French population by attending the Montreal Motorcycle Show ; at that time , we were encouraged by what God was doing , so we committed to attend again this year , and with a dedicated group of core members , we launched out and put up a booth at the show . We had many express an interest in what we were doing and listen to what God was doing in our lives as we shared our testimonies . We had some Christians that were very interested in joining in what CMA Canada was doing and expressed interest in joining the ministry . They appreciated our presence and encouraged us to continue in this province . It isn ’ t easy to minister there , but we will continue as God wills it to be so . There is a long history of religious abuse of the French-Canadian people in the 1950s and 1960s , and many generations are suspicious of religion . This has hardened many against Jesus Christ , many younger generations only know Him as a curse or swear word .
One thing that God has been speaking to me lately is to pray to develop a greater passion for Him and an even greater passion to reach the lost in the biking world ; I believe this is something that should be contagious across Canada in all our chapters , and for all of CMA around the world as well , we need to develop a zeal and spiritual fervor , serving the
Lord . The word passion ’ s meaning is important in this context ; one definition taken from Webster ’ s is an “ intense emotional drive or excitement that has an overpowering effect .” This is what I want to experience for myself and for the chapters of CMA , not something driven by a carnal nature , but something that is birthed from the Holy Spirit .
Romans 12:11-13 ( NIV ), “ Never be lacking in zeal , but keep your spiritual fervor , serving the Lord . Be joyful in hope , patient in affliction , faithful in prayer . Share with the Lord ’ s people who are in need . Practice hospitality .”
Overall , CMA Canada is doing well . We still have our challenges and opportunities , and the enemy of our soul is constantly trying to discourage us , but Jesus has already overcome the world , and in that , we maintain our steadfast faith . Jesus Christ is Lord ! CMA
Ivan Audette serves as Chairman of the Board for CMA Canada .
08⎪MAY 2024⎪www . cmausa . org |
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